Intermittent SIGILL on build, restore and/or publish #45885
Hi All,
Describe the bug
Repro repo: (plain console app with hello world)
Intermittent Illegal Instruction on various commands such as dotnet restore
, dotnet build
, dotnet publish
when ran on official docker sdk image.
Seem to be working outside of docker (aka plain build via Rider).
To Reproduce
- Clone repo
- Attempt
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=0 docker build . --no-cache
(might require couple of tries, as sometimes it "just works")
Exceptions (if any)
Illegal instruction
Further technical details
- Happens regularly on Apple M4 Max
- Does not happen on Apple M2
❯ DOCKER_BUILDKIT=0 docker build . --no-cache
DEPRECATED: The legacy builder is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
BuildKit is currently disabled; enable it by removing the DOCKER_BUILDKIT=0
Sending build context to Docker daemon 9.216kB
Step 1/18 : FROM AS base
---> 4fb8b01c8a0d
Step 2/18 : USER $APP_UID
---> Running in 4c226e3d8f88
---> Removed intermediate container 4c226e3d8f88
---> d2d42b51fb96
Step 3/18 : WORKDIR /app
---> Running in 911b3e8c95c1
---> Removed intermediate container 911b3e8c95c1
---> faf61b2ce781
Step 4/18 : FROM AS build
---> 3fcf6f1e809c
---> Running in 0b2927713c0c
---> Removed intermediate container 0b2927713c0c
---> 1b95917bc1bd
Step 6/18 : WORKDIR /src
---> Running in 2e3304a49655
---> Removed intermediate container 2e3304a49655
---> 89c273297771
Step 7/18 : COPY ["ConsoleApp1/ConsoleApp1.csproj", "ConsoleApp1/"]
---> de94c9a92034
Step 8/18 : RUN dotnet restore "ConsoleApp1/ConsoleApp1.csproj"
---> Running in ecafd1770e36
Determining projects to restore...
Restored /src/ConsoleApp1/ConsoleApp1.csproj (in 26 ms).
---> Removed intermediate container ecafd1770e36
---> b90d6820a3d0
Step 9/18 : COPY . .
---> fbef895cd601
Step 10/18 : WORKDIR "/src/ConsoleApp1"
---> Running in 080297ca64c3
---> Removed intermediate container 080297ca64c3
---> 90eccb1786f0
Step 11/18 : RUN dotnet build "ConsoleApp1.csproj" -c $BUILD_CONFIGURATION -o /app/build
---> Running in 2d569a8b64c4
Determining projects to restore...
All projects are up-to-date for restore.
Illegal instruction
The command '/bin/sh -c dotnet build "ConsoleApp1.csproj" -c $BUILD_CONFIGURATION -o /app/build' returned a non-zero code: 132