When I create a migration bundle and do not specify a runtime, it looks like the subsequent build step does not specify a runtime. The creation of the bundle (from the verbose logging: dotnet publish --runtime win-x64) however does specify a runtime. This part then fails with 'error NETSDK1112: The runtime pack for was not downloaded.'.
I can work around this by running a build specifying the runtime, and then a 'dotnet ef migrations bundle --no-build' succeeds.
So for example on my windows dev machine this fails:
dotnet ef migrations bundle -r linux-x64 -v
error: 'error NETSDK1112: The runtime pack for Microsoft.NETCore.App.Runtime.linux-x64 was not downloaded. Try running a NuGet restore with the RuntimeIdentifier 'linux-x64''
and this succeeds:
dotnet build -r linux-x64
dotnet ef migrations bundle -r linux-x64 --no-build
I think that when creating a bundle, the build and publishing of the bundle should specify the same runtime.