[Enter feedback here]
None of the code in the sample works as it is.
When attempting to simply GetGrain<[interface]>(...), an exception "Could not find an implementation for interface .[interface]"
When consulting StackOverflow for a resolution to the Exception it was recommended to include:
When including that package, a new exception occurs during build.
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error MSB3073 The command ""dotnet" "C:\Users\XXXX.nuget\packages\microsoft.orleans.codegenerator.msbuild\3.7.1\build..\tasks\Orleans.CodeGenerator.MSBuild.dll" SourceToSource "C:\Projects\SpacTrac\SpacTrac.Core\obj\Debug\net7.0\SpacTrac.Core.orleans.g.args.txt"" exited with code 3. SpacTrac.Core C:\Users\XXXX.nuget\packages\microsoft.orleans.codegenerator.msbuild\3.7.1\build\Microsoft.Orleans.CodeGenerator.MSBuild.targets 123
Which is as close to useless as possible.
When running dotnet in console:
Exc level 0: System.InvalidOperationException: Unable to find type with metadata name "Orleans.CodeGeneration.CopierMethodAttribute".
It would be helpful to have an actual working project to compare against rather than snippets of code that seem to be written without ever being tested in a real project.
What I am looking for is the NuGet packages used in which projects. Is there a breaking bug in a recent release?
Document Details
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- ID: 49b6fdcd-e49a-9791-2688-871a77a7acb9
- Version Independent ID: 0edd7616-7564-7c75-8174-432922ea8a71
- Content: Unit testing sample project - .NET
- Content Source: docs/orleans/tutorials-and-samples/
- Product: dotnet-orleans
- GitHub Login: @IEvangelist
- Microsoft Alias: dapine