I had no problem finding this article:, gut it did not tell me how to start a process with a timeout, and either it is not intuitive, or I have another issue.
I am trying to run dotnet build
in an xunit test. Still not successful at that, but the feedback is around process start. The article above has no information and the links in it offer different approaches with no explanation. I think it would be super helpful to have a tutorial of some type on starting a process, from why you want to handling timeouts (still not working correctly), and if there are special warnings or issues around doing it in major test frameworks, that would be good too. And async.
I have no idea where it fits, but it should be super easy to get to it from all of the process API that it explains.
Document Details
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- ID: 3cbdde85-09dd-c0c5-724c-50cee3c4da18
- Version Independent ID: 9a3e1a10-1b76-69ae-e3f5-2e030aceb351
- Content: Runtime libraries overview
- Content Source: docs/standard/
- Product: dotnet-fundamentals
- GitHub Login: @tdykstra
- Microsoft Alias: gewarren