This page says:
"wait times are expected to be very short"
"Very short" is relative. Is that seconds? Milliseconds? Nano Seconds? Clock Tick? Some context is needed. And a indication of issues that will occur when wait times are not very short would also be useful.
Document Details
⚠ Do not edit this section. It is required for ➟ GitHub issue linking.
- ID: 51e078fd-3a63-8b58-49f8-67e49df9bc9f
- Version Independent ID: f082f7b2-e1a3-aa31-1081-5ca11c954d80
- Content: Semaphore and SemaphoreSlim
- Content Source: docs/standard/threading/
- Product: dotnet
- Technology: dotnet-standard
- GitHub Login: @BillWagner
- Microsoft Alias: wiwagn