I'm trying to use together Nerdbank.GitVersioning and SourceLink (not supported tags now)
My vision of their perfect collaboration.
In one place I prescribe the version (prefix, suffix). For example in version.json
Then, if necessary, the tag is updated in the local repository(Automatically during build) (and remote), then a built-in link is generated ((in nupkg and .pdb) ,(to the repository and sources)).
Can I do that now?
AArnott commentedon May 12, 2019
I'm not sure what tags and versions have to do with SourceLink and PDBs. I use both SourceLink and NB.GV together all the time, but I don't think they intersect anywhere. SourceLink doesn't rely on tags -- it uses the git commit ID and remote URL.
lobster2012-user commentedon May 12, 2019
Thank you for the answer.
Incorrectly formulated the question. I will still study the tool.
Merge pull request #331 from AArnott/fixTestResults