- Using
- Download manually
- Setup
- Send Data Parsed from your MDX Files to Algolia
- Run
- Build
- Serve built app
- Credits
npx create-docz-app docz-app-with-algolia-search --example with-algolia-search
# or
yarn create docz-app docz-app-with-algolia-search --example with-algolia-search
curl https://codeload.github.com/doczjs/docz/tar.gz/main | tar -xz --strip=2 docz-main/examples/with-algolia-search
mv with-algolia-search docz-with-algolia-search-example
cd docz-with-algolia-search-example
Start by adding your Algolia credentials to a .env file, which you shouldn't commit. If you track this in your file, and especially if the site is open source, you will leak your admin API key. This would mean anyone is able to change anything on your Algolia index.
Rename .env.example to .env and fill in the values with your algolia keys that you can find here : https://www.algolia.com/api-keys
# // .env.example
# rename this file to .env and supply the values listed below
# warning: variables prexifed with GATSBY_ will be made available to client-side code
# be careful not to expose sensitive data (in this case your Algolia admin key ALGOLIA_ADMIN_KEY)
yarn # npm i
Data is sent to Algolia only when you build your site.
Run the build command
yarn build
Now, if you open your algolia dashboard you should see a new index with the name you provided for ALGOLIA_INDEX_NAME
in your .env file
yarn dev # npm run dev
yarn build # npm run build
yarn serve # npm run serve
The excellent tutorial on integrating Algolia with Gatsby : https://www.gatsbyjs.org/docs/adding-search-with-algolia/ was a huge help in preparing this example. The UI components are heavily inspired by the ones provided there. If you want to learn more about integrating Algolia make sure to read it !