Tell us about your request
Docker Toolbox was an early solution for users to work with Docker on Windows and Mac providing the bundling of a selection of tools to enable this. This was superseded by Docker Desktop, but initially lacked support for Windows Home. With WSL 2's release on Windows Home Docker Desktop is now supported on Windows Home - our main user of Docker Toolbox.
We have not been maintaining this actively for many years, and would like to formally deprecate it.
If you are an active user of Docker Toolbox please let is know here what your use case is.
Which service(s) is this request for?
Docker Toolbox
Tell us about the problem you're trying to solve. What are you trying to do, and why is it hard?
Make it clearer which open source tools we are developing actively, focus on tools that are being used, have active communities and reduce duplication of tools.
Are you currently working around the issue?
We are not maintaining this actively, but have not made it clear what the status and roadmap is.
Additional context
Shipped! Enjoy!