## # This build uses gradle wrapper # To build run below command ## gradlew build ## # Build but skip tests ## gradlew build -x test ## # Run Java Main class ## ./gradlew run -PmainClassName=com.dkirrane.gitflow.groovy.conflicts.Main --stacktrace ## # Setting a system property of taskName.debug will run the tests in debug mode, suspended and listening on port 5005. # For example: ## gradle test -Dtest.single=FixPomMergeConflictsSpock -Dtest.debug ## # Deploy to Sonatype Nexus repo # requires sonatypeUsername and sonatypePassword proeprties to be set in ~/.gradle/gradle.properties ## ./gradlew build -x test upload gradle upload ## # Build & Publish to local Maven repo ## gradlew build -x test publishToMavenLocal ## # ## gradle clean pP publish