see 2.1.x releases if you need support for an earlier Nim compiler
This is mostly a copy of an early version of the Status nim-result
package that differs in that you
do not need to provide a side-effect-free (func
) implementation of $
all types used in your Result
Also, it makes fewer uses of templates and has a narrower API to make it
simpler and prevent C-codegen issues experienced with nim-result
Also, it supports toException
and $
overrides for error types which are
implemented in nested scopes.
Also, it might not work in Windows because I have no way to test it there.
If you care more for performance and features, use nim-result
or ask nicely
and maybe we add a symbol or two back in. I personally consider compilation
a non-negotiable feature.
See the documentation for the badresults module as generated directly from the source.
Here's the type we provide:
Result[T; E] = object
case o: bool
of false:
e: E
of true:
v: T
This example is from the documentation:
# It's convenient to create an alias - most likely, you'll do just fine
# with strings as error!
type R = Result[int, string]
# Once you have a type, use `ok` and `err`:
func works(): R =
# ok says it went... ok!
R.ok 42
func fails(): R =
# or type it like this, to not repeat the type!
result.err "bad luck"
# If you provide this exception converter, this exception will be raised
# on dereference
func toException(v: Error): ref CatchableException = (ref CatchableException)(msg: $v)
get RE[int].err(a)
except CatchableException:
echo "in here!"
$ nimph clone badresults
or if you're still using Nimble like it's 2012,
$ nimble install