.TH gplaces 1 .SH NAME gplaces - a Gemini client .SH SYNOPSIS .B gplaces [-r rc-file] [url] .SH DESCRIPTION A simple terminal based Gemini client. .SH COMMAND SYNTAX .TP .B HELP .RS Syntax: .RS HELP [] .RE Description: .RS Show all help topics or the help text for a specific . .RE .RE .TP .B SAVE .RS Syntax: .RS SAVE .RE Description: .RS Saves the given from the menu or a given to the disk. You will be asked for a filename. .RE .RE .TP .B SEE .RS Syntax: .RS SEE .RE Description: .RS Show the full Gemini URL for the menu selector id. .RE .RE .TP .B SET .RS Syntax: .RS SET [] [] .RE Description: .RS If no is given it will show all variables. When is given it will show this specific variable. If is specified the variable will have this value. When the variable does not exist the variable will be created. .RE .RE .TP .B SHOW .RS Syntax: .RS SHOW [] .RE Description: .RS Show the current Gemini menu. If a is specified, it will show all selectors containing the in name or path. .RE .RE .TP .B SUBSCRIPTIONS .RS Syntax: .RS SUBSCRIPTIONS [] .RE Description: .RS Subscribes to . If no is specified, it will show the list of subscriptions and the recent entries in each. .RE .RE .SH FORMAT STRINGS A format string can have the following formating options: .RS .IP %% - simply a `%` .IP %s - scheme .IP %h - hostname .IP %p - port .IP %P - path .IP %r - human-readable string .IP %u - URL .IP %f - filename .RE .RE .SH OPTIONS .TP .B -r Specifies the initialization file to use. If unspecified, gplaces tries ~/.gplacesrc and /etc/gplacesrc. .SH CONFIGURATION .TP .B mkcert Specifies a client certificates generation command, as a format string. If unspecified or empty, automatic generation of client certificates is disabled. .TP .B pager Specifies a pager used to display pages. If unspecified, the default is the value of the PAGER environment variable, if set, otherwise "less -r". If set to "cat", paging is disabled. .TP .B timeout Specifies the download timeout. If unspecified or invalid, the default is 15 seconds. .SH AUTHOR .P Dima Krasner (dima@dimakrasner.com) .P Sebastian Steinhauer