import time import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from tqdm import tqdm from sklearn.externals import joblib from utils import HParams, preprocess, iter_data global nloaded nloaded = 0 def load_params(shape, dtype, *args, **kwargs): global nloaded nloaded += 1 return params[nloaded - 1] def embd(X, ndim, scope='embedding'): with tf.variable_scope(scope): embd = tf.get_variable( "w", [hps.nvocab, ndim], initializer=load_params) h = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embd, X) return h def fc(x, nout, act, wn=False, bias=True, scope='fc'): with tf.variable_scope(scope): nin = x.get_shape()[-1].value w = tf.get_variable("w", [nin, nout], initializer=load_params) if wn: g = tf.get_variable("g", [nout], initializer=load_params) if wn: w = tf.nn.l2_normalize(w, dim=0) * g z = tf.matmul(x, w) if bias: b = tf.get_variable("b", [nout], initializer=load_params) z = z+b h = act(z) return h def mlstm(inputs, c, h, M, ndim, scope='lstm', wn=False): nin = inputs[0].get_shape()[1].value with tf.variable_scope(scope): wx = tf.get_variable("wx", [nin, ndim * 4], initializer=load_params) wh = tf.get_variable("wh", [ndim, ndim * 4], initializer=load_params) wmx = tf.get_variable("wmx", [nin, ndim], initializer=load_params) wmh = tf.get_variable("wmh", [ndim, ndim], initializer=load_params) b = tf.get_variable("b", [ndim * 4], initializer=load_params) if wn: gx = tf.get_variable("gx", [ndim * 4], initializer=load_params) gh = tf.get_variable("gh", [ndim * 4], initializer=load_params) gmx = tf.get_variable("gmx", [ndim], initializer=load_params) gmh = tf.get_variable("gmh", [ndim], initializer=load_params) if wn: wx = tf.nn.l2_normalize(wx, dim=0) * gx wh = tf.nn.l2_normalize(wh, dim=0) * gh wmx = tf.nn.l2_normalize(wmx, dim=0) * gmx wmh = tf.nn.l2_normalize(wmh, dim=0) * gmh cs = [] for idx, x in enumerate(inputs): m = tf.matmul(x, wmx)*tf.matmul(h, wmh) z = tf.matmul(x, wx) + tf.matmul(m, wh) + b i, f, o, u = tf.split(axis=1, num_or_size_splits=4, value=z) i = tf.nn.sigmoid(i) f = tf.nn.sigmoid(f) o = tf.nn.sigmoid(o) u = tf.tanh(u) if M is not None: ct = f*c + i*u ht = o*tf.tanh(ct) m = M[:, idx, :] c = ct*m + c*(1-m) h = ht*m + h*(1-m) else: c = f*c + i*u h = o*tf.tanh(c) inputs[idx] = h cs.append(c) cs = tf.stack(cs) return inputs, cs, c, h def model(X, S, M=None, reuse=False): nsteps = X.get_shape()[1].value cstart, hstart = tf.unstack(S, num=hps.nstates) with tf.variable_scope('model', reuse=reuse): words = embd(X, hps.nembd) inputs = [tf.squeeze(v, [1]) for v in tf.split(axis=1, num_or_size_splits=nsteps, value=words)] hs, cells, cfinal, hfinal = mlstm( inputs, cstart, hstart, M, hps.nhidden, scope='rnn', wn=hps.rnn_wn) hs = tf.reshape(tf.concat(axis=1, values=hs), [-1, hps.nhidden]) logits = fc( hs, hps.nvocab, act=lambda x: x, wn=hps.out_wn, scope='out') states = tf.stack([cfinal, hfinal], 0) return cells, states, logits def ceil_round_step(n, step): return int(np.ceil(n/step)*step) def batch_pad(xs, nbatch, nsteps): xmb = np.zeros((nbatch, nsteps), dtype=np.int32) mmb = np.ones((nbatch, nsteps, 1), dtype=np.float32) for i, x in enumerate(xs): l = len(x) npad = nsteps-l xmb[i, -l:] = list(x) mmb[i, :npad] = 0 return xmb, mmb class Model(object): def __init__(self, nbatch=128, nsteps=64): global hps hps = HParams( load_path='model_params/params.jl', nhidden=4096, nembd=64, nsteps=nsteps, nbatch=nbatch, nstates=2, nvocab=256, out_wn=False, rnn_wn=True, rnn_type='mlstm', embd_wn=True, ) global params params = [np.load('model/%d.npy'%i) for i in range(15)] params[2] = np.concatenate(params[2:6], axis=1) params[3:6] = [] X = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, hps.nsteps]) M = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, hps.nsteps, 1]) S = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [hps.nstates, None, hps.nhidden]) cells, states, logits = model(X, S, M, reuse=False) #gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=0.5) #sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options)) sess = tf.Session() tf.global_variables_initializer().run(session=sess) def seq_rep(xmb, mmb, smb): return, {X: xmb, M: mmb, S: smb}) def seq_cells(xmb, mmb, smb): return, {X: xmb, M: mmb, S: smb}) def transform(xs): tstart = time.time() xs = [preprocess(x) for x in xs] lens = np.asarray([len(x) for x in xs]) sorted_idxs = np.argsort(lens) unsort_idxs = np.argsort(sorted_idxs) sorted_xs = [xs[i] for i in sorted_idxs] maxlen = np.max(lens) offset = 0 n = len(xs) smb = np.zeros((2, n, hps.nhidden), dtype=np.float32) for step in range(0, ceil_round_step(maxlen, nsteps), nsteps): start = step end = step+nsteps xsubseq = [x[start:end] for x in sorted_xs] ndone = sum([x == b'' for x in xsubseq]) offset += ndone xsubseq = xsubseq[ndone:] sorted_xs = sorted_xs[ndone:] nsubseq = len(xsubseq) xmb, mmb = batch_pad(xsubseq, nsubseq, nsteps) for batch in range(0, nsubseq, nbatch): start = batch end = batch+nbatch batch_smb = seq_rep( xmb[start:end], mmb[start:end], smb[:, offset+start:offset+end, :]) smb[:, offset+start:offset+end, :] = batch_smb features = smb[0, unsort_idxs, :] #print('%0.3f seconds to transform %d examples' % # (time.time() - tstart, n)) return features def cell_transform(xs, indexes=None): Fs = [] xs = [preprocess(x) for x in xs] for xmb in tqdm( iter_data(xs, size=hps.nbatch), ncols=80, leave=False, total=len(xs)//hps.nbatch): smb = np.zeros((2, hps.nbatch, hps.nhidden)) n = len(xmb) xmb, mmb = batch_pad(xmb, hps.nbatch, hps.nsteps) smb =, {X: xmb, S: smb, M: mmb}) smb = smb[:, :n, :] if indexes is not None: smb = smb[:, :, indexes] Fs.append(smb) Fs = np.concatenate(Fs, axis=1).transpose(1, 0, 2) return Fs self.transform = transform self.cell_transform = cell_transform if __name__ == '__main__': mdl = Model() text = ['demo!'] text_features = mdl.transform(text) print(text_features.shape)