Set-StrictMode -Version latest
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
# See
Set-Strictmode -Off
.\dev-env\windows\bin\dadew.ps1 install
Set-StrictMode -Version latest
.\dev-env\windows\bin\dadew.ps1 sync
.\dev-env\windows\bin\dadew.ps1 enable
if (!(Test-Path .\.bazelrc.local)) {
Set-Content -Path .\.bazelrc.local -Value 'build --config windows'
if (!(Test-Path ${ARTIFACT_DIRS}/logs)) {
mkdir -p ${ARTIFACT_DIRS}/logs
} elseif (Test-Path ${ARTIFACT_DIRS}/logs -PathType Leaf) {
throw ("Cannot create directory '${ARTIFACT_DIRS}/logs'. Conflicting file.")
# If a previous build was forcefully terminated, then stack's lock file might
# not have been cleaned up properly leading to errors of the form
# user error (hTryLock: lock already exists: C:\Users\u\AppData\Roaming\stack\pantry\hackage\hackage-security-lock)
# The package cache might be corrupted and just removing the lock might lead to
# errors as below, so we just nuke the entire stack cache.
# Failed populating package index cache
# IncompletePayload 56726464 844
if (Test-Path -Path $env:appdata\stack\pantry\hackage\hackage-security-lock) {
Write-Output ">> Nuking stack directory"
Remove-Item -ErrorAction Continue -Force -Recurse -Path $env:appdata\stack
function bazel() {
Write-Output ">> bazel $args"
$global:lastexitcode = 0
$backupErrorActionPreference = $script:ErrorActionPreference
$script:ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"
& bazel.exe @args 2>&1 | %{ "$_" }
$script:ErrorActionPreference = $backupErrorActionPreference
if ($global:lastexitcode -ne 0 -And $args[0] -ne "shutdown") {
Write-Output "<< bazel $args (failed, exit code: $global:lastexitcode)"
throw ("Bazel returned non-zero exit code: $global:lastexitcode")
Write-Output "<< bazel $args (ok)"
# ScalaCInvoker, a Bazel worker, created by rules_scala opens some of the bazel execroot's files,
# which later causes issues on Bazel init (source forest creation) on Windows. A shutdown closes workers,
# which is a workaround for this problem.
bazel shutdown
# Prefetch nodejs_dev_env to avoid permission denied errors on external/nodejs_dev_env/nodejs_dev_env/node.exe
# It isn’t clear where exactly those errors are coming from.
bazel fetch @nodejs_dev_env//...
bazel build //... `
`-`-profile build-profile.json `
`-`-experimental_profile_include_target_label `
`-`-build_event_json_file build-events.json `
`-`-build_event_publish_all_actions `
`-`-experimental_execution_log_file ${ARTIFACT_DIRS}/logs/build_execution_windows.log
bazel shutdown
if ($env:SKIP_TESTS -ceq "False") {
# Generate mapping from shortened scala-test names on Windows to long names on Linux and MacOS.
./ci/remap-scala-test-short-names.ps1 `
| Out-File -Encoding UTF8 -NoNewline scala-test-suite-name-map.json
bazel test //... `
`-`-profile test-profile.json `
`-`-experimental_profile_include_target_label `
`-`-build_event_json_file test-events.json `
`-`-build_event_publish_all_actions `
`-`-experimental_execution_log_file ${ARTIFACT_DIRS}/logs/test_execution_windows.log