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Add gRPC definitions for participant user management service (#11818)
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* Introduce definitions for experimental user management service.

Only gRPC definitions are added. No new service is exposed by the Ledger
API server.


- [Ledger API] Introduce gRPC definitions for experimental user
  managament service to manage users and their rights for interacting
  with the Ledger API served by a participant node.

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meiersi-da authored Nov 25, 2021
1 parent 2fde30d commit 026b92a
Showing 1 changed file with 175 additions and 0 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
// Copyright (c) 2021 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

syntax = "proto3";

package com.daml.ledger.api.v1.admin;

option java_outer_classname = "UserManagementServiceOuterClass";
option java_package = "com.daml.ledger.api.v1.admin";
option csharp_namespace = "Com.Daml.Ledger.Api.V1.Admin";

import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";

// Experimental API to manage users and their rights for interacting with the Ledger API
// served by a participant node.
// The API roughly follows the Google API style guidelines for resource-oriented design
// ( with the following simplifications to
// ease its implementation:
// 1. List methods do not (yet) support pagination,
// as we expect to have fewer than 10k users and 1k rights per user.
// 2. Resources are not named as per the Google API style guide,
// as this would be in contrast with the other Ledger API services.
// Authorization rules for the services RPCs are specified on the `RpcNameRequest`
// messages as boolean expressions over these facts:
// - ``HasRight(r)``: true iff the authenticated user has right `r`
// - ``IsAuthenticatedUser(u)``: true iff ``u`` is equal to the name of the authenticated user
service UserManagementService {

// Create a new user, failing if it already exists.
rpc CreateUser (CreateUserRequest) returns (User);

// Get the user data of a specific user or the authenticated user.
rpc GetUser (GetUserRequest) returns (User);

// Delete an existing user and all its rights.
rpc DeleteUser (DeleteUserRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);

// List the all existing users.
rpc ListUsers (ListUsersRequest) returns (ListUsersResponse);

// Grant rights to a user.
rpc GrantUserRights (GrantUserRightsRequest) returns (GrantUserRightsResponse);

// Revoke rights from a user.
rpc RevokeUserRights (RevokeUserRightsRequest) returns (RevokeUserRightsResponse);

// List the set of all rights granted to a user.
rpc ListUserRights (ListUserRightsRequest) returns (ListUserRightsResponse);

// Users and rights

// Users are are used to manage the rights given to authenticated Ledger API clients.
// They are stored and managed per participant node.
// TLS client certificates authenticate the user specified by the certificates common name.
// JWT tokens authenticate the user specified by the JWT tokens 'sub' (subject) claim.
message User {
// The user identifier, which must be a non-empty string of at most 64
// characters matching the regexp [a-z0-9-_.], i.e. lower-case characters, digits,
// dashes or dots. Double-dots, double-dashes, and double-underscores are not allowed.
string id = 1;

// The primary party as which this user reads and acts by default on the ledger
// _provided_ it has the corresponding ``CanReadAs(primary_party)`` or
// ``CanActAs(primary_party)`` rights.
string primary_party = 2;

// A right granted to a user.
message Right {
// The user is allowed to administrate the participant node.
message ParticipantAdmin {}

// The user can authorize commands for the given party.
message CanActAs {
string party = 1;

// The user can read ledger data visible to the given party.
message CanReadAs {
string party = 1;

oneof kind {
ParticipantAdmin participant_admin = 1;
CanActAs can_act_as = 2;
CanReadAs can_read_as = 3;

// RPC requests and responses

// Required authorization: ``HasRight(ParticipantAdmin)``
message CreateUserRequest {
// The user to create.
User user = 1;

// The rights to be assigned to the user upon creation,
// which SHOULD include appropriate rights for the ``user.primary_party``.
repeated Right rights = 2;

// Required authorization: ``HasRight(ParticipantAdmin) OR IsAuthenticatedUser(user_id)``
message GetUserRequest {
// The user whose data we want to retrieve.
// If set to empty string (the default), then the data for the authenticated user will be retrieved.
string user_id = 1;

// Required authorization: ``HasRight(ParticipantAdmin)``
message DeleteUserRequest {
string user_id = 1;

// Required authorization: ``HasRight(ParticipantAdmin)``
message ListUsersRequest {
// TODO: add pagination, cf.

message ListUsersResponse {
repeated User users = 1;

// Add the rights to the set of rights granted to the user.
// Required authorization: ``HasRight(ParticipantAdmin)``
message GrantUserRightsRequest {
string user_id = 1;

repeated Right rights = 2;

message GrantUserRightsResponse {
// The rights that were newly granted by the request.
repeated Right newly_granted_rights = 1;

// Remove the rights from the set of rights granted to the user.
// Required authorization: ``HasRight(ParticipantAdmin)``
message RevokeUserRightsRequest {
string user_id = 1;

repeated Right rights = 2;

message RevokeUserRightsResponse {
// The rights that were actually revoked by the request.
repeated Right newly_revoked_rights = 1;

// Required authorization: ``HasRight(ParticipantAdmin) OR IsAuthenticatedUser(user_id)``
message ListUserRightsRequest {
// The user for which to list the rights.
// If set to empty string (the default), then the rights for the authenticated user will be listed.
string user_id = 1;

// TODO: add pagination, cf.

message ListUserRightsResponse {
repeated Right rights = 1;

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