from __future__ import with_statement from paver import svn from paver.easy import * from paver.easy import options from paver.path25 import pushd import functools import os import sys import time from datetime import date import socket import ConfigParser import paver.doctools import paver.misctasks import pkg_resources import subprocess import shutil from shutil import move, copy import zipfile import tarfile import urllib from urllib import urlretrieve import glob assert sys.version_info >= (2,6), \ SystemError("GeoNode Build requires python 2.6 or better") options( config=Bunch( ini=path('shared/build.ini'), package_dir = path('shared/package') ), minilib=Bunch(extra_files=['virtual', 'doctools', 'misctasks']), sphinx=Bunch( docroot='docs', builddir="_build", sourcedir="source" ), virtualenv=Bunch( packages_to_install=[ 'pip', 'jstools', 'virtualenv' ], dest_dir='./', install_paver=True, script_name='', paver_command_line='post_bootstrap' ), deploy=Bunch( req_file=path('shared/package/requirements.txt'), packages_to_install=['pip'], dest_dir='./', ), host=Bunch( bind='localhost' ) ) venv = os.environ.get('VIRTUAL_ENV') bundle = path('shared/geonode.pybundle') dl_cache = "--download-cache=./build" dlname = 'geonode.bundle' geoserver_target = path('webapps/geoserver.war') geoserver_zip="geoserver.war" geoserver_war_url = "" gs_data = "webapps/gs-data" gs_data_url="" def geonode_client_target(): return options.deploy.out_dir / "" geonode_client_target_war = path('webapps/geonode-client.war') deploy_req_txt = """ # NOTE... this file is generated -r %s/shared/requirements.txt -e %s/src/GeoNodePy """ % (os.getcwd(), os.getcwd()) @task def auto(options): cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() options.config.parser = cp # set a few vars from the config ns package_dir = options.deploy.out_dir = options.config.package_dir options.deploy.script_name=package_dir / '' # set windows dependent opts platform_options(options) @task def fix_geos_version(options): import fileinput oldline = "ver = geos_version()" newline = "ver = geos_version().decode().split(' ')[0]" for line in fileinput.input(path(os.environ['VIRTUAL_ENV']) / 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/gis/geos/', inplace=True): if oldline in line and newline not in line: line = line.replace(oldline,newline) print line, @task def install_deps(options): """Installs all the python deps from a requirements file""" if bundle.exists(): info('using to install python deps bundle') call_task('install_bundle') else: info('Installing from requirements file. ' \ 'Use "paver bundle_deps" to create an install bundle') pip_install("-r shared/%s" % options.config.corelibs) pip_install("-r shared/%s" % options.config.devlibs) pip_install('-e %s' %(path("src/GeoNodePy"))) if options.config.platform == "win32": info("You will need to install 'PIL' and 'ReportLab' " \ "separately to do PDF generation") @task def bundle_deps(options): """ Create a pybundle of all python dependencies. If created, this will be the default for installing python deps. """ pip_bundle("-r shared/requirements.txt %s" % bundle) @task @needs(['download_bundle']) def install_bundle(options): """ Installs a bundle of dependencies located at %s. """ % bundle info('install the bundle') pip_install(bundle) @task def download_bundle(options): """ Downloads zipped bundle of python dependencies to %s. Does not overwrite. """ % bundle bpath = bundle.abspath() if not bundle.exists(): with pushd('shared'): grab("" % dlname, bpath) else: info("Skipping download. 'rm bundle %s' if you need a fresh download. " % bundle) @task def install_25_deps(options): """Fetch python 2_5-specific dependencies (not maintained)""" pass @task @needs(['install_deps']) def post_bootstrap(options): """installs the current package""" pip = "pip" sh('%s install -e %s' %(pip, path("src/GeoNodePy"))) #TODO Move svn urls out to a config file def grab(src, dest): urlretrieve(str(src), str(dest)) @task def setup_gs_data(options): """Fetch a data directory to use with GeoServer for testing.""" src_url = str(options.config.parser.get('geoserver', 'gs_data_url')) shared = path("./shared") if not shared.exists(): shared.mkdir() dst_url = shared / "" grab(src_url, dst_url) if getattr(options, 'clean', False): path(gs_data).rmtree() if not path(gs_data).exists(): unzip_file(dst_url, gs_data) @task @needs(['setup_gs_data']) def setup_geoserver(options): war_zip_file = geoserver_zip src_url = str(geoserver_war_url + war_zip_file) info("geoserver url: %s" %src_url) # where to download the war files. If changed change also # src/geoserver-geonode-ext/jetty.xml accordingly webapps = path("./webapps") if not webapps.exists(): webapps.mkdir() dst_url = webapps / war_zip_file dst_war = webapps / "geoserver.war" deployed_url = webapps / "geoserver" if getattr(options, 'clean', False): deployed_url.rmtree() if not dst_war.exists(): info("getting geoserver.war") grab(src_url, dst_url) zip_extractall(zipfile.ZipFile(dst_url), webapps) if not deployed_url.exists(): zip_extractall(zipfile.ZipFile(dst_war), deployed_url) @task def setup_geonetwork(options): """Fetch the geonetwork.war and intermap.war to use with GeoServer for testing.""" war_zip_file = options.config.parser.get('geonetwork', 'geonetwork_zip') src_url = str(options.config.parser.get('geonetwork', 'geonetwork_war_url') + war_zip_file) info("geonetwork url: %s" %src_url) # where to download the war files. If changed change also # src/geoserver-geonode-ext/jetty.xml accordingly webapps = path("./webapps") if not webapps.exists(): webapps.mkdir() dst_url = webapps / war_zip_file dst_war = webapps / "geonetwork.war" deployed_url = webapps / "geonetwork" if getattr(options, 'clean', False): deployed_url.rmtree() if not dst_war.exists(): info("getting geonetwork.war") grab(src_url, dst_url) zip_extractall(zipfile.ZipFile(dst_url), webapps) if not deployed_url.exists(): zip_extractall(zipfile.ZipFile(dst_war), deployed_url) src_url = str(options.config.parser.get('geonetwork', 'intermap_war_url')) dst_url = webapps / "intermap.war" if not dst_url.exists(): grab(src_url, dst_url) @task @needs([ 'setup_geoserver', 'setup_geonetwork', 'setup_geonode_client' ]) def setup_webapps(options): pass @task @needs([ 'install_deps', 'fix_geos_version', 'setup_webapps', 'sync_django_db', 'package_client' ]) def build(options): """Get dependencies and generally prepare a GeoNode development environment.""" info("""GeoNode development environment successfully set up.\nIf you have not set up an administrative account, please do so now.\nUse "paver host" to start up the server.""") @task @needs([ 'install_deps', 'setup_geonode_client', 'sync_django_db', 'package_client' ]) def fastbuild(options): """Get dependencies and generally prepare a GeoNode development environment.""" info("""GeoNode development environment successfully set up minus GeoServer and Geonetwork.\nIf you have not set up an administrative account, please do so now.\nUse "paver host" to start up the server.""") @task def setup_geonode_client(options): """ Fetch geonode-client """ static = path("./src/GeoNodePy/geonode/static/geonode") if not static.exists(): static.mkdir() sh("git submodule update --init") with pushd("src/geonode-client/"): sh("ant clean zip") src_zip = "src/geonode-client/build/" zip_extractall(zipfile.ZipFile(src_zip), static) @task def sync_django_db(options): sh(" syncdb --settings=geonode.settings --noinput") try: sh(" syncdb --database=wmdata --settings=geonode.settings --noinput") except: info("******CREATION OF GAZETTEER TABLE FAILED - if you want the gazetteer enabled, \n \ unescape the 'DATABASES' AND 'DATABASE_ROUTERS' settings in your settings file \n \ and modify the default values if necessary") sh(" migrate --settings=geonode.settings --noinput") @task def package_dir(options): """ Adds a packaging directory """ if not options.deploy.out_dir.exists(): options.config.package_dir.mkdir() @task @needs('package_dir', 'setup_geonode_client') @cmdopts([ ('use_war', 'w', 'Use a war to deploy geonode-client') ]) def package_client(options): """Package compressed client resources (JavaScript, CSS, images).""" if(hasattr(options, 'use_war')): geonode_client_target_war.copy(options.deploy.out_dir) else: # Extract static files to static_location geonode_media_dir = path("./src/GeoNodePy/geonode/media") static_location = geonode_media_dir / "static" dst_zip = "src/geonode-client/build/" zip_extractall(zipfile.ZipFile(dst_zip), static_location) os.remove(dst_zip) @task @needs('package_dir', 'setup_geoserver') def package_geoserver(options): """Package GeoServer WAR file with appropriate extensions.""" geoserver_target.copy(options.deploy.out_dir) @task @needs('package_dir', 'setup_geonetwork') def package_geonetwork(options): """Package GeoNetwork WAR file for deployment.""" geonetwork_target.copy(options.deploy.out_dir) @task @needs('package_dir') def package_webapp(options): sh(" collectstatic -v0 --settings=geonode.settings --noinput") """Package (Python, Django) web application and dependencies.""" with pushd('src/GeoNodePy'): sh('python egg_info sdist') req_file = path(os.getcwd()) / options.deploy.req_file req_file.write_text(deploy_req_txt) pip_bundle("-r %s %s/geonode-webapp.pybundle" % (req_file, path(os.getcwd()) / options.deploy.out_dir)) @task @needs( 'build', 'package_geoserver', 'package_geonetwork', 'package_webapp', 'package_bootstrap' ) def package_all(options): info('all is packaged, ready to deploy') def create_version_name(): # we'll use the geonodepy version as our "official" version number # for now slug = "GeoNode-%s" % ( pkg_resources.get_distribution('GeoNodePy').version, ) return slug @task def make_devkit(options): import virtualenv (path("package") / "devkit" / "share").makedirs() pip_bundle("package/devkit/share/geonode-core.pybundle -r shared/devkit.requirements") script = virtualenv.create_bootstrap_script(""" import os, subprocess, zipfile def after_install(options, home_dir): if sys.platform == 'win32': bin = 'Scripts' else: bin = 'bin' installer_base = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) def pip(*args):[os.path.join(home_dir, bin, "pip")] + list(args)) pip("install", os.path.join(installer_base, "share", "geonode-core.pybundle")) setup_jetty(source=os.path.join(installer_base, "share"), dest=os.path.join(home_dir, "share")) def setup_jetty(source, dest): jetty_zip = os.path.join(source, "") jetty_dir = os.path.join(dest, "jetty-distribution-7.0.2.v20100331") zipfile.ZipFile(jetty_zip).extractall(dest) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(jetty_dir, "contexts")) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(jetty_dir, "webapps")) os.mkdir(os.path.join(jetty_dir, "contexts")) os.mkdir(os.path.join(jetty_dir, "webapps")) deployments = [ ('geoserver', 'geoserver-geonode-dev.war'), ('geonetwork', 'geonetwork.war'), ('media', '') ] for context, archive in deployments: src = os.path.join(source, archive) dst = os.path.join(jetty_dir, "webapps", context) zipfile.ZipFile(src).extractall(dst) """) open((path("package")/"devkit"/""), 'w').write(script) urlretrieve( "", "package/devkit/share/" ) urlretrieve( "", "package/devkit/share/pip-0.7.1.tar.gz" ) geoserver_target.copy("package/devkit/share") geonetwork_target.copy("package/devkit/share") geonode_client_target().copy("package/devkit/share") @task @cmdopts([ ('name=', 'n', 'Release number or name'), ('no_svn', 'D', 'Do not append svn version number as part of name '), ('append_to=', 'a', 'append to release name'), ('skip_packaging', 'y', 'Do not call package_all when creating a release'), ]) def make_release(options): """ Creates a tarball to use for building the system elsewhere (production, distribution, etc) """ if not hasattr(options, 'skip_packaging'): call_task("package_all") if hasattr(options, 'name'): pkgname = else: pkgname = create_version_name() if hasattr(options, 'append_to'): pkgname += options.append_to with pushd('shared'): out_pkg = path(pkgname) out_pkg.rmtree() path('./package').copytree(out_pkg) tar ="%s.tar.gz" % out_pkg, "w:gz") for file in out_pkg.walkfiles(): tar.add(file) tar.add('README.release.rst', arcname=('%s/README.rst' % out_pkg)) tar.close() out_pkg.rmtree() info("%s.tar.gz created" % out_pkg.abspath()) def unzip_file(src, dest): zip = zipfile.ZipFile(src) if not path(dest).exists(): path(dest).makedirs() for name in zip.namelist(): if name.endswith("/"): (path(dest) / name).makedirs() else: parent, file = path(name).splitpath() parent = path(dest) / parent if parent and not parent.isdir(): path(parent).makedirs() out = open(path(parent) / file, 'wb') out.write( out.close() @task def checkup_spec(options): parser = options.config.parser svn.checkup(parser.get('doc', 'spec_url'), path('docs') / 'spec') def pip(*args): try: pkg_resources.require('pip>=0.6') except : error("**ATTENTION**: Update your 'pip' to at least 0.6") raise full_path_pip = 'pip' sh("%(env)s %(cmd)s %(args)s" % { "env": options.config.pip_flags, "cmd": full_path_pip, "args": " ".join(args) }) pip_install = functools.partial(pip, 'install', dl_cache) pip_bundle = functools.partial(pip, 'bundle', dl_cache) @task @needs('package_dir') def package_bootstrap(options): """Create a bootstrap script for deployment""" try: from paver.virtual import bootstrap options.virtualenv = options.deploy call_task("paver.virtual.bootstrap") except ImportError, e: info("VirtualEnv must be installed to enable 'paver bootstrap'. If you " + "need this command, run: pip install virtualenv") @task def install_sphinx_conditionally(options): """if no sphinx, install it""" try: import sphinx except ImportError: sh("%s install sphinx" % ('pip')) # have to reload doctools so it will realize sphinx is now # available sys.modules['paver.doctools'] = reload(sys.modules['paver.doctools']) @task @needs('package_client') @cmdopts([ ('bind=', 'b', 'IP address to bind to. Default is localhost.') ]) def start_django(options): djangolog = open("django.log", "w") django = subprocess.Popen([ "paster", "serve", "--reload", "shared/dev-paste.ini" ], stdout=djangolog, stderr=djangolog ) def django_is_up(): try: urllib.urlopen("http://" + + ":8000") return True except Exception, e: return False socket.setdefaulttimeout(1) info("Django is starting up, please wait...") while not django_is_up(): time.sleep(2) try: info("Django/Worldmap is running at http://" + + ":8000/") info("Press CTRL-C to shut down") django.wait() info("Django process terminated, see log for details.") finally: info("Shutting down...") try: django.terminate() except: pass django.wait() sys.exit() @task @cmdopts([ ('bind=', 'b', 'IP address to bind to. Default is localhost.') ]) def start_geoserver(options): jettylog = open("jetty.log", "w") from geonode import settings url = "http://localhost:8080/geoserver/" if settings.GEOSERVER_BASE_URL != url: print 'your GEOSERVER_BASE_URL does not match %s' % url sys.exit(1) jettylog = open("jetty.log", "w") with pushd("src/geoserver-geonode-ext"): os.environ["MAVEN_OPTS"] = " ".join([ "-XX:CompileCommand=exclude,net/sf/saxon/event/ReceivingContentHandler.startElement", "-Xmx512M", "-XX:MaxPermSize=256m" ]) mvn = subprocess.Popen( ["mvn", "jetty:run"], stdout=jettylog, stderr=jettylog ) def jetty_is_up(): try: urllib.urlopen("http://" + + ":8080/geoserver/web/") return True except Exception, e: return False socket.setdefaulttimeout(1) info("Logging servlet output to jetty.log...") info("Jetty is starting up, please wait...") while not jetty_is_up(): time.sleep(2) try: info("Development GeoServer/GeoNetwork is running") info("Press CTRL-C to shut down") mvn.wait() info("GeoServer process terminated, see log for details.") finally: info("Shutting down...") try: mvn.terminate() except: pass mvn.wait() sys.exit() @task @needs('package_client') @cmdopts([ ('bind=', 'b', 'IP address to bind to. Default is localhost.') ]) def host(options): jettylog = open("jetty.log", "w") djangolog = open("django.log", "w") from geonode import settings url = "http://localhost:8080/geoserver/" if settings.GEOSERVER_BASE_URL != url: print 'your GEOSERVER_BASE_URL does not match %s' % url sys.exit(1) jettylog = open("jetty.log", "w") with pushd("src/geoserver-geonode-ext"): os.environ["MAVEN_OPTS"] = " ".join([ "-XX:CompileCommand=exclude,net/sf/saxon/event/ReceivingContentHandler.startElement", "-Xmx512M", "-XX:MaxPermSize=256m" ]) mvn = subprocess.Popen( ["mvn", "jetty:run"], stdout=jettylog, stderr=jettylog ) socket.setdefaulttimeout(1) django = subprocess.Popen([ "paster", "serve", "--reload", "shared/dev-paste.ini" ], stdout=djangolog, stderr=djangolog ) def jetty_is_up(): try: urllib.urlopen("http://" + + ":8080/geoserver/web/") return True except Exception, e: return False def django_is_up(): try: urllib.urlopen("http://" + + ":8000") return True except Exception, e: return False socket.setdefaulttimeout(1) info("Django is starting up, please wait...") while not django_is_up(): time.sleep(2) info("Logging servlet output to jetty.log and django output to django.log...") info("Jetty is starting up, please wait...") while not jetty_is_up(): time.sleep(2) try: sh(" updatelayers --settings=geonode.settings") info("Development GeoNode is running at http://" + + ":8000/") info("The GeoNode is an unstoppable machine") info("Press CTRL-C to shut down") django.wait() info("Django process terminated, see log for details.") finally: info("Shutting down...") try: django.terminate() except: pass try: mvn.terminate() except: pass django.wait() mvn.wait() sys.exit() @task def test(options): sh(" test --settings=geonode.settings") def platform_options(options): "Platform specific options" options.config.platform = sys.platform # defaults: pip_flags = "" scripts = "bin" corelibs = "requirements.txt" devlibs = "dev-requirements.txt" if sys.platform == "win32": scripts = "Scripts" elif sys.platform == "darwin": pip_flags = "ARCHFLAGS='-arch i386'" options.config.bin = path(scripts) options.config.corelibs = corelibs options.config.devlibs = devlibs options.config.pip_flags = pip_flags # include patched versions of zipfile code # to extract zipfile dirs in python 2.6.1 and below... def zip_extractall(zf, path=None, members=None, pwd=None): if sys.version_info >= (2, 6, 2): zf.extractall(path=path, members=members, pwd=pwd) else: _zip_extractall(zf, path=path, members=members, pwd=pwd) def _zip_extractall(zf, path=None, members=None, pwd=None): """Extract all members from the archive to the current working directory. `path' specifies a different directory to extract to. `members' is optional and must be a subset of the list returned by namelist(). """ if members is None: members = zf.namelist() for zipinfo in members: _zip_extract(zf, zipinfo, path, pwd) def _zip_extract(zf, member, path=None, pwd=None): """Extract a member from the archive to the current working directory, using its full name. Its file information is extracted as accurately as possible. `member' may be a filename or a ZipInfo object. You can specify a different directory using `path'. """ if not isinstance(member, zipfile.ZipInfo): member = zf.getinfo(member) if path is None: path = os.getcwd() return _zip_extract_member(zf, member, path, pwd) def _zip_extract_member(zf, member, targetpath, pwd): """Extract the ZipInfo object 'member' to a physical file on the path targetpath. """ # build the destination pathname, replacing # forward slashes to platform specific separators. # Strip trailing path separator, unless it represents the root. if (targetpath[-1:] in (os.path.sep, os.path.altsep) and len(os.path.splitdrive(targetpath)[1]) > 1): targetpath = targetpath[:-1] # don't include leading "/" from file name if present if member.filename[0] == '/': targetpath = os.path.join(targetpath, member.filename[1:]) else: targetpath = os.path.join(targetpath, member.filename) targetpath = os.path.normpath(targetpath) # Create all upper directories if necessary. upperdirs = os.path.dirname(targetpath) if upperdirs and not os.path.exists(upperdirs): os.makedirs(upperdirs) if member.filename[-1] == '/': if not os.path.isdir(targetpath): os.mkdir(targetpath) return targetpath source =, pwd=pwd) target = file(targetpath, "wb") shutil.copyfileobj(source, target) source.close() target.close() return targetpath