This wasn't an issue when we had only one template type, but with the addition of talks/single.html
we have some repetition.
Generally speaking, this is what should go into
This section is what creates the query to get at all the site data. If you need this somewhere, you can just copy
it and paste it. Need to figure out if a partial would expose the variables/elements/array created herein. It could be done in a partial (need to include the trailing .) but I don't think it would work in shortcodes, which is where we need it the most - mattstratton
{{ $path := split $.Source.File.Path "/" }}
{{ $event_slug := index $path 1 }}
{{ $event := (print .Params.year (lower }}
{{ $e := (index $ $event_slug) }}
{{/* end site data query */}}
<div class = "container-fluid">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-8">
<h1> {{ $ }} {{ $e.year }} - {{ title .Title }} </h1>
<!-- Main navigation -->
<div class="submenu">
{{ range $navigation := $e.navigationelements}}
<a href="{{ $event_slug }}/{{ $navigation}}">{{ $navigation }}</a>
{{ end }}
And this should go into /themes/devopsdays-legacy/layouts/partials/event_footer.html
<div class="col-md-4">
<!-- sponsor code begin -->
{{ $sponsors := $e.sponsors }}
{{ range $e.sponsor_levels }}
<h2>{{ .label }} Sponsors</h2>
{{ range where $sponsors "level" .id }}
{{ $s := (index $.Site.Data.sponsors .id) }}
{{ if isset $.Site.Data.sponsors .id }}
<a href = "{{ $s.url }}"><img alt = "{{ .id }}" src = "/img/sponsors/{{ .id }}.png" class="img-responsive company-logo" width = "95px"></a>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<div class = "sponsor-cta">
<a href = "/events/{{ $e.friendly }}/sponsor">Become a {{ .label }} Sponsor!</a>
{{ end }}
<!-- sponsor code end -->
{{ partial "footer.html" . }}
Note that when you want to use the new partials, you will have to call them with the "dot" like so:
{{ partial "event_footer.html" . }}
No labels