It seems that off is not working or I am missing something.
I am using mitt it in Vue 3
`import mitt from "mitt";
const Event = mitt();
const app = createApp(App);
app.config.globalProperties.Event = Event;
I have 2 components Category and CategoryDetails and when changing from one to another it seems that the off is not "destroying" the event.
In CategoryDetails component:
mounted() { const vm = this; this.Event.on('', function(){ vm.formSubmit(); }); },
// it should clear the event - to no longer emit
unmounted() {''); }
Entering again in CateegoryDetails and emits the save, it make 2 request and so on....
I have tried to use in unmounted:
and seems to work.
Why is not working if I specify the event name to off ???
Am i missing something ?