Beyond smtp mail.
All very old protocol like FTP or SMTP are so fucked:
- You can't send binary data with SMTP, so all is bloated.
- Metadata are accessible to all.
- You can't always keep the same email when changing domain.
- SPAM must be eradicated.
It's time to move on:
- Should be easily home hosted or shoudn't need excessive trust to the hosting server.
- You are creating your own sshush email address.
1 user = 1 public ssh-key and one or many server where you can receive mail.
Two servers are enought for most of people to be always online.
Your ssh-key is unique to you and you are creating it by youself.
Examples of ed25519 public ssh-keys:
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIOYzWcb+bZKh1lKsSC+G/hICMdVNthuUwJzUHwANlcty John Doe (id_ed25519_john)
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIHx1fwSGUGmO3n2FqKnWAm0ErbQ26A37rglryJuPTnPs Jane Doe (id_ed25519_jane)
Creation of ed25519 public ssh-keys:
ssh-keygen -t ed25519
Generating public/private ed25519 key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_ed25519): ./id_ed25519_john
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in ./id_ed25519_john
Your public key has been saved in ./
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:qg4lXYkwnhjPZRn4cLmB8+y1Pcfomzb3Rr75SDLiwD8 root@minipc1
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ED25519 256]--+
|. oo++ |
| *=*=. . |
|. =B.oo |
| .=.. |
| ..o. oSo |
| o....+ o . |
| . |
| . . +Eo.+oo |
| .o .== o=o. |
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIOYzWcb+bZKh1lKsSC+G/hICMdVNthuUwJzUHwANlcty John Doe (id_ed25519_john)
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIHx1fwSGUGmO3n2FqKnWAm0ErbQ26A37rglryJuPTnPs Jane Doe (id_ed25519_jane)
Dedicated ssh-key for SSHush minimal access to server when asking for contact agreement:
$ cat id_sshush
$ cat
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAILyryXfnjMZoczLIywctsEZPLMf70BwTLmxGQPE5cI7A @everywhere
Proposal for SSHush email presentation:
<John Doe>@111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhcmA6wJMHu1JFuDL83JAxwc9e5XRJKVtYaG8mVkci49JWm[server1,server2:2222]
<Jane Doe>@111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhce3LDjoBkpaBgq1jjKSUb6juugbvf3pBB768Rn6pU3Vym[W.X.Y.Z:4444,server4]
The sshush-key is a base58 representation of the ssh-key with @
prefix for filename and username compatibility (and fun).
$ echo -n @ ; echo AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIOYzWcb+bZKh1lKsSC+G/hICMdVNthuUwJzUHwANlcty | base64 -d | base58
$ echo -n @ ; echo AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIHx1fwSGUGmO3n2FqKnWAm0ErbQ26A37rglryJuPTnPs | base64 -d | base58
The protocol part of the ssh-key is kept for future compatibily with future key type (quantum proof).
$ echo "AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAA" | sed 's/AAAA/ /g' | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | base64 -d | tr -dc [a-z-0-9]
The idea behind SSHush is that your sshush-key email address is also a username to connect to servers using the secure sftp protocol.
So <Jane Doe>@111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhce3LDjoBkpaBgq1jjKSUb6juugbvf3pBB768Rn6pU3Vym[server3,server4]
will be able to retreive email doing:
$ sftp -i @111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhce3LDjoBkpaBgq1jjKSUb6juugbvf3pBB768Rn6pU3Vym@server3
$ sftp -i @111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhce3LDjoBkpaBgq1jjKSUb6juugbvf3pBB768Rn6pU3Vym@server4
Now imagin that Jane wants to send an email to John. She found his sshush email easily on his blog and the first step is to allow John to send email to her.
The contact
file is usefull to know the sshush-key email of John Doe and the servers he use.
$ echo "<John Doe>@111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhcmA6wJMHu1JFuDL83JAxwc9e5XRJKVtYaG8mVkci49JWm[server1,server2]" >> contact
The allowed_signers
file is an openssh standard file to allow signature verification and we add the sshush-key as an pseudo-anonymous reference.
$ JOHNKEY='@111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhcmA6wJMHu1JFuDL83JAxwc9e5XRJKVtYaG8mVkci49JWm'
$ PUBKEY=$(echo $JOHNKEY | cut -c 2- | base58 -d | base64)
$ KEYTYPE=$(echo $PUBKEY | sed 's/AAAA/ /g' | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | base64 -d | tr -dc [a-z-0-9])
echo $JOHNKEY $KEYTYPE $PUBKEY >> allowed_signers
$ fold -s allowed_signers
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIOYzWcb+bZKh1lKsSC+G/hICMdVNthuUwJzUHwANlcty
The updated allowed_signers
file must be transfered to all sshush servers used by Jane to allow the administrator to update the authorized_keys
file related to Jane's sshush-key user. Example:
$ JANEKEY='@111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhce3LDjoBkpaBgq1jjKSUb6juugbvf3pBB768Rn6pU3Vym'
root@minipc1:~/age# sftp -qi ./id_ed25519_jane $JANEKEY@server3
sftp> ls -1
sftp> rm cfg-n9ohTb45UjUuQGKtoVXNTQUFcoBpVhivJ8LdgVt2h82yRtJospkPZRMrGjTumMy6L73Pr5GzzpWB2CnSdo9Ktfd/allowed_signers
sftp> put allowed_signers cfg-n9ohTb45UjUuQGKtoVXNTQUFcoBpVhivJ8LdgVt2h82yRtJospkPZRMrGjTumMy6L73Pr5GzzpWB2CnSdo9Ktfd
sftp> exit
That's all, in few minutes, John will be able to upload email for Jane to server3
or server4
using ̀@111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhce3LDjoBkpaBgq1jjKSUb6juugbvf3pBB768Rn6pU3Vym
as username.
What's going on in server3
or server4
with the new allowed_signers
file for Jane? Simply rebuild her authorized_keys
file with the updated data. Maybe some new contact added and maybe some useless one deleted...
Find newer allowed_signers
root@minipc1:/chroot/authorized_keys# while read U ; do A=$(ls -1 /chroot/$U/cfg-*/allowed_signers 2>/dev/null) && [ $A -nt $U ] && echo $A ; done < <(ls -1)
Mandatory limited access for Jane:
$ JANEKEY='@111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhce3LDjoBkpaBgq1jjKSUb6juugbvf3pBB768Rn6pU3Vym'
$ PUBKEY=$(echo $JANEKEY | cut -c 2- | base58 -d | base64)
$ KEYTYPE=$(echo $PUBKEY | sed 's/AAAA/ /g' | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | base64 -d | tr -dc [a-z-0-9])
$ echo "restrict,command=\"internal-sftp -p open,close,write,opendir,realpath,stat,remove,rename,setstat,read,lstat -u 337" $KEYTYPE $PUBKEY" > \
> /chroot/authorized_keys/${JANEKEY}
Ultra-limited access for Jane authorized contact.
$ cat allowed_signers | while read SSHUSHKEY KEYTYPE SSHPUBKEY
echo "restrict,command=\"internal-sftp -d /new -p open,close,write,realpath,stat -u 377" \
> $KEYTYPE $SSHPUBKEY" >> /chroot/authorized_keys/$JANEKEY
John is now allowed to upload email to Jane folder.
Jane is now ready to ask John for a primary contact agreement. She need to create 2 files with private information only accessible to John (ex: your real name and full sshush email address, encrypted with the age
tool and John public ssh-key).
The filename is Jane sshush-key:
$ JANEKEY='@111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhce3LDjoBkpaBgq1jjKSUb6juugbvf3pBB768Rn6pU3Vym'
$ echo "<Jane Doe>$JANEKEY[server3,server4]" | age -R ./ > $JANEKEY
$ ssh-keygen -Y sign -f ./id_ed25519_jane -n sshush $JANEKEY
Signing file @111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhce3LDjoBkpaBgq1jjKSUb6juugbvf3pBB768Rn6pU3Vym
Write signature to @111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhce3LDjoBkpaBgq1jjKSUb6juugbvf3pBB768Rn6pU3Vym.sig
$ls -l ${JANEKEY}*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 314 Jan 4 00:33 @111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhce3LDjoBkpaBgq1jjKSUb6juugbvf3pBB768Rn6pU3Vym
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 298 Jan 4 00:35 @111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhce3LDjoBkpaBgq1jjKSUb6juugbvf3pBB768Rn6pU3Vym.sig
Be careful the size is 1KB max per file depending on server side configuration.
Sending the request to any server used by John, using the user @
and the sshush (not) private ssh-key.
The destination folder is the John sshush-key:
$ JOHNKEY='@111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhcmA6wJMHu1JFuDL83JAxwc9e5XRJKVtYaG8mVkci49JWm'
$ sftp -qi ~/.ssh/id_sshush @@server1 << EOT
@put ${JANEKEY}.sig $JOHNKEY
if server1
is offline, just use server2
John is finding the new request when pooling his server for new request. Example:
# sftp -qi ./id_ed25519_john $JOHNKEY@server1
sftp> cd ask-pWDu1A26qtDBN12ohpPEj9mULAPwUanGZcWaKZUYMix1sSrwwFk4uAmgDTpS2U6Axcs2K7EyBQuRUxjsZNjftjb/
sftp> ls -l
----r----- 1 1005 1002 314 Feb 26 22:51 @111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhce3LDjoBkpaBgq1jjKSUb6juugbvf3pBB768Rn6pU3Vym
----r----- 1 1005 1002 298 Feb 26 22:51 @111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhce3LDjoBkpaBgq1jjKSUb6juugbvf3pBB768Rn6pU3Vym.sig
sftp> get @111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhce3LDjoBkpaBgq1jjKSUb6juugbvf3pBB768Rn6pU3Vym
sftp> rm @111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhce3LDjoBkpaBgq1jjKSUb6juugbvf3pBB768Rn6pU3Vym
sftp> get @111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhce3LDjoBkpaBgq1jjKSUb6juugbvf3pBB768Rn6pU3Vym.sig
sftp> rm @111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhce3LDjoBkpaBgq1jjKSUb6juugbvf3pBB768Rn6pU3Vym.sig
sftp> exit
He check the signature.
$ JANEKEY='@111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhce3LDjoBkpaBgq1jjKSUb6juugbvf3pBB768Rn6pU3Vym'
$ JOHNKEY='@111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhcmA6wJMHu1JFuDL83JAxwc9e5XRJKVtYaG8mVkci49JWm'
$ PUBKEY=$(echo $JANEKEY | cut -c 2- | base58 -d | base64)
$ KEYTYPE=$(echo $PUBKEY | sed 's/AAAA/ /g' | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | base64 -d | tr -dc [a-z-0-9])
$ echo $JANEKEY $KEYTYPE $PUBKEY > signer
$ fold -s signer
ssh-ed25519 AAAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIHx1fwSGUGmO3n2FqKnWAm0ErbQ26A37rglryJuPTnPs
$ ssh-keygen -Y verify -f signer -I $JANEKEY -n sshush -s ${JANEKEY}.sig < $JANEKEY
Good "sshush" signature for @111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhce3LDjoBkpaBgq1jjKSUb6juugbvf3pBB768Rn6pU3Vym
with ED25519 key SHA256:yWuAxYn/r52czjTeZySHdVIHY82w6ChyQ2LFNXhj3WY
Signature is correct. John will decrypt the message with his private ssh-key.
$ age -d -i ./id_ed25519_john $JANEKEY
<Jane Doe>@111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhce3LDjoBkpaBgq1jjKSUb6juugbvf3pBB768Rn6pU3Vym[server3,server4]
Ok I know Jane, she is a friend, I will accept email from her:
cat signer >> allowed_signers
Update all my sshush server with my new allowed_signers
. Example:
# sftp -qi ./id_ed25519_john $JOHNKEY@server1
sftp> ls -1
sftp> rm cfg-3wjDAdWfg2RgWWvzMSaikv67ZCi2k1pNrnitdJvv2djZQ975zGBgJ52BJLpSGaNHqcmxU1u5oSTUme8m8ceSsMam/allowed_signers
sftp> put allowed_signers cfg-3wjDAdWfg2RgWWvzMSaikv67ZCi2k1pNrnitdJvv2djZQ975zGBgJ52BJLpSGaNHqcmxU1u5oSTUme8m8ceSsMam
sftp> exit
Let's inform Jane with a sshush email. Using date from epoch is a practical way to avoid duplicate filename:
$ JANEKEY='@111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhce3LDjoBkpaBgq1jjKSUb6juugbvf3pBB768Rn6pU3Vym'
$ JOHNKEY='@111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhcmA6wJMHu1JFuDL83JAxwc9e5XRJKVtYaG8mVkci49JWm'
$ MSG=$(date -u '+%s')-${JOHNKEY}.txt
$ echo $MSG
$ echo "Welcome to my network Jane Doe, have a good day." | age -r "$(fgrep $JANEKEY allowed_signers \
> | cut -d ' ' -f 2- )" > $MSG
$ ssh-keygen -Y sign -n sshush -f id_ed25519_john $MSG
Signing file 1641250382-@111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhcmA6wJMHu1JFuDL83JAxwc9e5XRJKVtYaG8mVkci49JWm.txt
Write signature to 1641250382-@111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhcmA6wJMHu1JFuDL83JAxwc9e5XRJKVtYaG8mVkci49JWm.txt.sig
$ sftp -i id_ed25519_john $JANEKEY@server3 << EOT
cd new
@put 1641250382-@111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhcmA6wJMHu1JFuDL83JAxwc9e5XRJKVtYaG8mVkci49JWm.txt
@put 1641250382-@111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhcmA6wJMHu1JFuDL83JAxwc9e5XRJKVtYaG8mVkci49JWm.txt.sig
root@minipc1:/chroot# ls -la
total 24
drwxr-x--- 6 root sshush 4096 Feb 5 23:59 .
drwxr-xr-x 19 root root 4096 Dec 26 23:38 ..
drwxr-x--- 4 root sshush 4096 Jan 31 23:52 @
drwxr-x--- 4 root sshush 4096 Feb 5 23:59 @111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhce3LDjoBkpaBgq1jjKSUb6juugbvf3pBB768Rn6pU3Vym
drwxr-x--- 4 root sshush 4096 Feb 6 00:06 @111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhcmA6wJMHu1JFuDL83JAxwc9e5XRJKVtYaG8mVkci49JWm
drwxr-x--- 2 root sshush 4096 Feb 6 01:02 authorized_keys
root@minipc1:/chroot/@# ls -la
total 16
drwxr-x--- 4 root sshush 4096 Jan 31 23:52 .
drwxr-x--- 6 root sshush 4096 Feb 5 23:59 ..
drwxrwx--- 2 @111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhce3LDjoBkpaBgq1jjKSUb6juugbvf3pBB768Rn6pU3Vym sshush 4096 Feb 6 01:06 @111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhce3LDjoBkpaBgq1jjKSUb6juugbvf3pBB768Rn6pU3Vym
drwxrwx--- 2 @111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhcmA6wJMHu1JFuDL83JAxwc9e5XRJKVtYaG8mVkci49JWm sshush 4096 Feb 6 00:41 @111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhcmA6wJMHu1JFuDL83JAxwc9e5XRJKVtYaG8mVkci49JWm
One folder per sshush user with owner (rwx) = the sshush user and group (rwx) = the sshush group.
root@minipc1:/chroot/@111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhce3LDjoBkpaBgq1jjKSUb6juugbvf3pBB768Rn6pU3Vym# ls -l
total 12
drwxrwx--- 2 @111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhce3LDjoBkpaBgq1jjKSUb6juugbvf3pBB768Rn6pU3Vym sshush 4096 Feb 24 23:47 ask-UVatAmQs9VTvYBJTfkGAZ1EKWqAZoJuqyHLRcjQ6JV6idfCuxUJeCXRmGT24uBRKWvxkgY2S62QSkBZiotQcnuv
drwx------ 2 @111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhce3LDjoBkpaBgq1jjKSUb6juugbvf3pBB768Rn6pU3Vym sshush 4096 Feb 23 01:03 cfg-n9ohTb45UjUuQGKtoVXNTQUFcoBpVhivJ8LdgVt2h82yRtJospkPZRMrGjTumMy6L73Pr5GzzpWB2CnSdo9Ktfd
drwx------ 2 @111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhce3LDjoBkpaBgq1jjKSUb6juugbvf3pBB768Rn6pU3Vym sshush 4096 Feb 23 01:22 new
Second example:
root@minipc1:/chroot/@111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhcmA6wJMHu1JFuDL83JAxwc9e5XRJKVtYaG8mVkci49JWm# ls -l
total 16
drwxrwx--- 2 @111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhcmA6wJMHu1JFuDL83JAxwc9e5XRJKVtYaG8mVkci49JWm sshush 4096 Feb 11 00:34 ask-pWDu1A26qtDBN12ohpPEj9mULAPwUanGZcWaKZUYMix1sSrwwFk4uAmgDTpS2U6Axcs2K7EyBQuRUxjsZNjftjb
drwx------ 2 @111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhcmA6wJMHu1JFuDL83JAxwc9e5XRJKVtYaG8mVkci49JWm sshush 4096 Feb 24 23:36 cfg-3wjDAdWfg2RgWWvzMSaikv67ZCi2k1pNrnitdJvv2djZQ975zGBgJ52BJLpSGaNHqcmxU1u5oSTUme8m8ceSsMam
drwx------ 2 @111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhcmA6wJMHu1JFuDL83JAxwc9e5XRJKVtYaG8mVkci49JWm sshush 4096 Feb 24 23:36 new
Random number for the àsk-
and cfg-
folder are generated using:
root@minipc1:/# SECRET=$(openssl rand 64|base58)
root@minipc1:/# mkdir xxx-$SECRET
Inside each sshush-user folder, the ask-
folder is a mount --bind to the sshush-user freely accessible folder, while the cfg-
folder is used to upload the allowed external sshush-user list.
root@minipc1:~# tail -2 /etc/fstab
/chroot/@/@111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhce3LDjoBkpaBgq1jjKSUb6juugbvf3pBB768Rn6pU3Vym /chroot/@111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhce3LDjoBkpaBgq1jjKSUb6juugbvf3pBB768Rn6pU3Vym/ask-UVatAmQs9VTvYBJTfkGAZ1EKWqAZoJuqyHLRcjQ6JV6idfCuxUJeCXRmGT24uBRKWvxkgY2S62QSkBZiotQcnuv none defaults,bind 0 0
/chroot/@/@111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhcmA6wJMHu1JFuDL83JAxwc9e5XRJKVtYaG8mVkci49JWm /chroot/@111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhcmA6wJMHu1JFuDL83JAxwc9e5XRJKVtYaG8mVkci49JWm/ask-pWDu1A26qtDBN12ohpPEj9mULAPwUanGZcWaKZUYMix1sSrwwFk4uAmgDTpS2U6Axcs2K7EyBQuRUxjsZNjftjb none defaults,bind 0 0
root@minipc1:/chroot/authorized_keys# ls -la
total 20
drwxr-x--- 2 root sshush 4096 Feb 6 01:02 .
drwxr-x--- 6 root sshush 4096 Feb 5 23:59 ..
-r-------- 1 @ sshush 759 Feb 6 01:02 @
-r-------- 1 @111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhce3LDjoBkpaBgq1jjKSUb6juugbvf3pBB768Rn6pU3Vym sshush 419 Feb 6 00:58 @111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhce3LDjoBkpaBgq1jjKSUb6juugbvf3pBB768Rn6pU3Vym
-r-------- 1 @111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhcmA6wJMHu1JFuDL83JAxwc9e5XRJKVtYaG8mVkci49JWm sshush 384 Jan 6 01:14 @111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhcmA6wJMHu1JFuDL83JAxwc9e5XRJKVtYaG8mVkci49JWm
root@minipc1:/chroot/authorized_keys# cat @
restrict,command="internal-sftp -p open,close,write,opendir,realpath,stat -u 737" ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAILyryXfnjMZoczLIywctsEZPLMf70BwTLmxGQPE5cI7A
Only allowed to change directory to the target sshush user and to write files asking for permission to send sshush mail.
root@minipc1:/chroot/authorized_keys# cat @111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhce3LDjoBkpaBgq1jjKSUb6juugbvf3pBB768Rn6pU3Vym
restrict,command="internal-sftp -p rename,open,close,write,opendir,readdir,realpath,stat,remove,setstat,read,lstat -u 337" ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIHx1fwSGUGmO3n2FqKnWAm0ErbQ26A37rglryJuPTnPs
restrict,command="internal-sftp -d /new -p open,close,write,realpath,stat -u 377" ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIOYzWcb+bZKh1lKsSC+G/hICMdVNthuUwJzUHwANlcty
$ cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/sshush.conf
Match user @*
AuthorizedKeysFile /chroot/authorized_keys/%u
ChrootDirectory %h
$ groupadd sshush
$ useradd -d /chroot/ -g sshush -s /usr/sbin/nologin sshush
$ useradd --badnames -d /chroot/@ -g sshush -s /usr/sbin/nologin @
user can't write more than 1KB per files.
$ cat /etc/security/limits.d/@.conf
@ hard fsize 1
root@minipc1:~# /sbin/useradd -d /chroot/@111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhce3LDjoBkpaBgq1jjKSUb6juugbvf3pBB768Rn6pU3Vym -g sshush -s /usr/sbin/nologin @@
vi /etc/passwd
and vi /etc/shadow
to change @@
by @111RN3t1cWCcecTLM26gmqhce3LDjoBkpaBgq1jjKSUb6juugbvf3pBB768Rn6pU3Vym
Maybe, the ancien tcp port 25 could be used...
Manual Proof Of Concept is fine, but who will developpe a real client ?