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PhantomRobot is a Robot Framework test library that uses the popular PhantomJS-browser, the headless WebKit-browser, for running acceptance tests in the background. PhantomRobot is written in and is easily expandable with CoffeeScript.


If you can use Selenium, please, see the GhostDriver-project, which has already been integrated into Selenium-library for running PhantomJS. It just works, while this is mostly proof-of-concept.

Try it out

Checkout the code:

git clone git://

Go to the checkout directory and run the buildout for installing all the dependencies (buildout keeps everything within the checkout directory):

cd phantomrobot


  1. On a 32-bit Linux, continue with:

    bin/buildout -c buildout-linux-x86.cfg
  2. On a 64-bit Linux, continue with:

    bin/buildout -c buildout-linux-x86_64.cfg
  3. On an OSX, continue with:


After the buildout has compiled node.js and installed required node.js-packages using npm, you should be able to activate the environment and compile PhantomRobot:

source bin/activate

Then launch it (as a blocking foreground process):

node phantomrobot.js

Finally, to run some Robot Framework tests using PhantomRobot, just open a new console, change to the checkout/buildout-directory of PhantomRobot, and:

source bin/activate
pybot tests


PhantomRobot requires phantomjs-binary, which is provided by PhantomJS' developers for 32-bit Linux, 64-bit Linux, OSX and Windows. If the binary distribution doesn't work for you, PhantomJS could be compiled manually, at least in theory.

I've done the compiling once on Cent OS 5 / RHEL 5. I needed to build a more recent version of GNU Tar >= 1.2.6 to make npm installing modules successfully. Yet, because websockets-support was broken in all existing QtWebKit-RPMs (thanks to a known bug), I had to build my own WebKit to be able to compile working PhantomJS and get PhantomRobot running.

Custom keywords

Developing and including your own custom Robot Framework keyword definitions is easily done in just two steps:

  1. Create a .coffee-ending file with your custom keywords as follows:

    keyword "Is defined", (name) ->
        if not eval("typeof #{name} === 'undefined'")
            status: "PASS"
            status: "FAIL",\
            error: "Variable '#{name}' was not defined."
  2. Run make with environment variable MY_KEYWORDS containing a relative path to your custom keyword files, e.g.:

    MY_KEYWORDS=*.coffee make

This should result a new phantomrobot.js including your new keywords.

Advanced custom keywords

PhantomRobot support simple and advanced keyword definitions. Simple keyword definitions begin with keyword and are somewhat magical: the defined test function is eventually executed directly within the currently open browser context and have all the pros and cons of that.

Advanced keyword definitions begin with advanced_keyword and are executed outside the currently open browser context. They are not bound to the restrictions of browser context and can take advantage of PhantomJS' API (e.g. send real click-events).

On the other hand, advanced keywords must take are of evaluating code within the browser context manually and end their execution by calling the given callback to pass the results back to the Robot Framework test runner:

advanced_keyword "Is defined", ([name], callback) ->

    isDefined = (name) ->
        not eval("typeof #{name} === 'undefined'")

    if @browser.eval isDefined, name
        callback status: "PASS"
        callback status: "FAIL",\
                 error: "Variable '#{name}' was not defined."


@browser.eval is a thin wrapper around PhantomJS' WebPage.evaluate. It can accept parameters any number of parameters. Besides that, it defines a special function queryAll to be usable to make DOM queries with CSS-selector, XPATH-expression or DOM element id. For more examples, please, see built-in keyword definitions.

Selenium keywords

My secret goal was to provide full and fully tested set of keywords available in Robot Framework SeleniumLibrary. Unfortunately, it would have taken too much time for me to get that completed.

You are free to either help or implement your own custom keywords, e.g. for testing your custom JavaScript-dependent features directly.

Implemented SeleniumLibrary-keywords:

Assign Id To Element (locator=, id=)
Assigns a temporary identifier to element specified by locator.This is mainly useful if the locator is complicated/slow XPath expression. Identifier expires when the page is reloaded.
Capture Page Screenshot (filename=, css=)
Takes a screenshot of the current page and embeds it into the log. filename argument specifies the name of the file to write the screenshot into. It works the same was as with Capture Screenshot. css can be used to modify how the screenshot is taken. By default the bakground color is changed to avoid possible problems with background leaking when the page layout is somehow broken. Note: css has no effect on phantomrobot.
Click Button (locator=, dont_wait=)
Click Element (locator=, dont_wait=)
Click Link (locator=)
Close All Browsers ()
Closes all open browsers and empties the connection cache.After this keyword new indexes get from Open Browser keyword are reset to 1.This keyword should be used in test or suite teardown to make sure all browsers are closed.
Close Browser ()
Closes the current browser.
Element Should Be Visible (locator=, message=)
Verifies that the element identified by locator is visible.Herein, visible means that the element is logically visible, not optically visible in the current browser viewport. For example, an element that carries display:none is not logically visible, so using this keyword on that element would fail. message can be used to override the default error message.Key attributes for arbitrary elements are id name
Element Should Contain (locator=, expected=, message=)
Verifies element identified by locator contains text expected.If you wish to assert an exact (not a substring) match on the text of the element, use Element text should be message can be used to override the default error message.Key attributes for arbitrary elements are id name
Element Should Not Be Visible (locator=, message=)
Verifies that the element identified by locator is NOT visible.This is the opposite of Element should be visible message can be used to override the default error message.Key attributes for arbitrary elements are id name
Element Text Should Be (locator=, expected=, message=)
Verifies element identified by locator exactly contains text expected.In contrast to Element Should Contain, this keyword does not try a substring match but an exact match on the element identified by locator. message can be used to override the default error message.Key attributes for arbitrary elements are id name
Get Element Attribute (attribute_locator=)
Return value of element attribute. attribute_locator consists of element locator followed by an @ sign and attribute name, for example "element_id@class".
Get Horizontal Position (locator=)
Returns horizontal position of element identified by locator The position is returned in pixels off the left side of the page, as an integer. Fails if a matching element is not found.
Get Matching XPath Count (xpath=)
Returns number of elements matching xpath If you wish to assert the number of matching elements, use Xpath should match X times
Get Vertical Position (locator=)
Returns vertical position of element identified by locator The position is returned in pixels off the top of the page, as an integer. Fails if a matching element is not found.
Go To (url=)
Navigates the active browser instance to the provided URL.
Input Text (locator=, text=)
Types the given text into text field identified by locator.
Maximize Browser Window ()
Maximizes current browser window. Note: Just resizes to larger, not maximizes, the browser on phantomrobot.
Mouse Down (locator=)
Mouse Up (locator=)
Open Browser (url=, browser=, alias=)
Opens a new browser instance to given URL.Returns the index of this browser instance which can be used later to switch back to it. Index starts from 1 and is reset back to it when Close All Browsers keyword is used. See Switch Browser for example. url is an optional url to open. browser is an optional parameter that exists to support SeleniumLibarary and is just ignored. alias is an optional alias for the browser instance and it can be used for switching between browsers similarly as the index. See Switch Browser for more details about that.
Page Should Contain (text=, loglevel=)
Verifies that current page contains text.If this keyword fails, it automatically logs the page source using the log level specified with the optional loglevel argument. Giving NONE as level disables logging. Note: loglevel has no effect on phantomrobot.
Page Should Contain Element (locator=, message=, loglevel=)
Verifies element identified by locator is found from current page. message can be used to override default error message.If this keyword fails, it automatically logs the page source using the log level specified with the optional loglevel argument. Giving NONE as level disables logging. Note: loglevel has no effect on phantomrobot.
Page Should Contain Visible (text=, loglevel=)
Verifies that current page contains visible text.If this keyword fails, it automatically logs the page source using the log level specified with the optional loglevel argument. Giving NONE as level disables logging. Note: loglevel has no effect on phantomrobot.
Page Should Not Contain (text=, loglevel=)
Verifies the current page does not contain text.If this keyword fails, it automatically logs the page source using the log level specified with the optional loglevel argument. Giving NONE as level disables logging. Note: loglevel has no effect on phantomrobot.
Page Should Not Contain Element (locator=, message=, loglevel=)
Verifies element identified by locator is not found from current page. message can be used to override default error message.If this keyword fails, it automatically logs the page source using the log level specified with the optional loglevel argument. Giving NONE as level disables logging. Note: loglevel has no effect on phantomrobot.
Page Should Not Contain Visible (text=, loglevel=)
Verifies the current page does not contain visible text.If this keyword fails, it automatically logs the page source using the log level specified with the optional loglevel argument. Giving NONE as level disables logging. Note: loglevel has no effect on phantomrobot.
Register Keyword To Run On Failure (keyword_name=)
Sets the keyword to execute when a SeleniumLibrary keyword fails. keyword_name is the name of a SeleniumLibrary keyword that will be executed if another SeleniumLibrary keyword fails. It is not possible to use a keyword that requires arguments. The name is case but not space sensitive. If the name does not match any keyword, this functionality is disabled and nothing extra will be done in case of a failure.The initial keyword to use is set in importing, and the keyword that is used by default is Capture Screenshot. Taking a screenshot when something failed is a very useful feature, but notice that it can slow down the execution.This keyword returns the name of the previously registered failure keyword. It can be used to restore the original value later.
Reload Page ()
Simulates user reloading page.
Select From List (list=, value=)
Select Radio Button (name=, value=)
Set Phantom Sleep (seconds=)
Sets the sleep between PhantomRobot's implicit retries.Returns the previous value.
Set Phantom Timeout (seconds=)
Sets the timeout for PhantomRobot implicit retries.Returns the previous value.
Set Selenium Speed (seconds=)
Sets the delay that is waited after each Selenium command.This is useful mainly in slowing down the test execution to be able to view the execution. seconds may be given in Robot Framework time format. Returns the previous speed value. Note: Sets the sleep between retries until timeout on phantomrobot.
Set Selenium Timeout (seconds=)
Sets the timeout used by various keywords.Keywords that expect a page load to happen will fail if the page is not loaded within the timeout specified with seconds.The previous timeout value is returned by this keyword and can be used to set the old value back later. The default timeout is 5 seconds, but it can be altered in importing.
Start Selenium Server ()
Starts the Selenium Server provided with SeleniumLibrary. Note: Does nothing on phantomrobot.
Stop Selenium Server ()
Stops the selenium server (and closes all browsers).
Submit Form (locator=)
Wait Until Page Contains (text=, timeout=, error=)
Waits until text appears on current page.Fails if timeout expires before the text appears. See introduction for more information about timeout and its default value. error can be used to override the default error message. Note: timeout has no effect on phantomrobot.
Wait Until Page Contains Element (locator=, timeout=, error=)
Waits until element specified with locator appears on current page.Fails if timeout expires before the element appears. See introduction for more information about timeout and its default value. error can be used to override the default error message. Note: timeout has no effect on phantomrobot.
Wait Until Page Contains Visible (text=, timeout=, error=)
Waits until visible text appears on current page.Fails if timeout expires before the text appears. See introduction for more information about timeout and its default value. error can be used to override the default error message. Note: timeout has no effect on phantomrobot.
XPath Should Match X Times (xpath=, expected_xpath_count=, message=, loglevel=)
Verifies that the page contains the given number of elements located by the given xpath

An example test suite


Please, note that Robot framework also supports tests in given–when–then-syntax.

*** Settings ***
Library  Remote  http://localhost:1337/

Suite Setup  Start browser
Suite Teardown  Close browser

*** Variables ***

*** Test cases ***

Plone Accessibility
    Goto homepage
    Click link  Accessibility
    Page should contain  Accessibility

Plone Log In
    Go to  http://localhost:8080/Plone/login_form
    Page should contain element  __ac_name
    Input text  __ac_name  admin
    Input text  __ac_password  admin
    Click Button  Log in
    Page should contain  now logged in
    click link  Continue to the Plone site home page
    Page should contain  Manage portlets

*** Keywords ***

Start browser
    Open browser  http://localhost:8080/Plone/

Goto homepage
    Go to  http://localhost:8080/Plone/
    Page should contain  Plone site

How does it work?


  1. provides an XML-RPC-service, which
  2. implements Robot Framework's remote library API,
  3. spawns a headless PhantomJS client as its child process and
  4. relays its commands to that client using WebSockets.


(Insert a nice diagram here.)

PhantomRobot borrows some ideas from RoboZombie – a similar proof-of-concept remote library for Zombie.js.

Basic usage

  1. Launch phantomrobot onto foreground by node phantomrobot.js.
  2. Run a Robot Framework -testsuite (e.g. pybot testsuite.txt).

node phantomrobot.js accepts the following arguments:

a local port number for this Robot Framework remote library (PhantomJS will connect to PhantomRobot through port + 1, e.g. 1338)
implicit timeout for retrying failing keywords, e.g. page contains (can be disabled with implicit-wait=-1 unless is set explicitly in a test)
time to sleep between retries until the implicit timeout


All of the following dependencies for running PhantomRobot should be installed automatically by running the provided buildout:

  • PhantomJS >= 1.3 available on path
  • node.js and npm with
    • xmlrpc >= 0.9.4
    • == 0.8.7 (unknown error with 0.9.0)
    • optimist and
    • coffee-script >= 1.2.0


Robot Framework Remote Test Library for PhantomJS






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Contributors 4
