- learn about the project (if you can't find all the info online, interview the core contributors)use the following question (customize + add subquestions when needed)
- What is your project about?
- Who is it for?
- How is the project funded and what is the plan to make is sustainable?
- What parts are open sourced and where can code repositories be found?
- How is the project using/planning to use Hypercore protocol/p2p stuff?
- What are the plans for the next few months/year?
- How can one join the community/contribute to the project?
contact the team (founders/core maintainers) and schedule the interviewsend the questions in advance so interviewee can prepareMake a test recording and make sure sound is perfectUse Sher/Discord/Keet or Jitsi for a video call and record it using Loom/Screencastify or other screen recording toolsmake sure video doesn't exceed 10min
$100 (paid through the Open Collective after the completion and review)
How to apply?
Comment on the selected issue with:
Name: Foobar
Contact (Twitter/Discord/Email): @foobar
Estimated start: Nov 20 2022
Estimated completion: Nov 30 2022
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Ruulul commentedon Dec 2, 2022
Name: V
Contact (Discord): 5-142857#7577
Estimated start: Dec 02 2022
Estimated completion: Dec 05 2022