import React from 'react'; import DeckGL from ''; import {LineLayer} from ''; import {StaticMap} from 'react-map-gl'; // Set your mapbox access token here const MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN = 'your_mapbox_token'; // Viewport settings const INITIAL_VIEW_STATE = { longitude: -122.41669, latitude: 37.7853, zoom: 13, pitch: 0, bearing: 0 }; // Data to be used by the LineLayer const data = [ {sourcePosition: [-122.41669, 37.7853], targetPosition: [-122.41669, 37.781]} ]; function App() { const getLayers = (id: string) => [ new LineLayer({id: 'line-layer', data}) ]; return ( <>

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{/* Without children */} {/* With single child */} {/* With multiple children */}
Lorem ipsum
); } export default App