beryl makes writing tests better, super easy and quick
This package works by using machine vision, optical character recognition, levenshtein distance and some custom code.
pip install beryl
On Ubuntu or any system using Apt Package Manager, install the required system-level packages with the following:
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg gnome-screenshot notify-osd recordmydesktop python-opencv tesseract-ocr xdotool
On any system with PIP installed, install the Python packages with the following:
sudo pip install editdistance Pillow pytesseract
from beryl import click
# clicks any button on screen named 'Click Me!'
click("Click Me!")
from beryl import notify
from time import sleep
# notifies you when a method is starting and finishing
def test_method():
from beryl import record
from time import sleep
# records the screen when your method is running
def test_method():
Selenium is a great tool but sometimes it's helpful to send a system-level mouse click event to a window. Here's an example of what to do when a window pops up in Firefox saying that your script is taking too long.
from beryl import click
from selenium import webdriver
driver = webdriver.Firefox()
click("Stop script", webdriver=driver)
If you know the name of the window, like "Open File", you can pass in the window name to the click method.
from beryl import click
click("Search", window_name="Open File")