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Server-side framework for Zig, relying heavily on dependency injection.


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Tokamak is a server-side framework for Zig, built around http.zig and a simple dependency injection container.

Note that it is not designed to be used alone, but with a reverse proxy in front of it, like Nginx or Cloudfront, which will handle SSL, caching, sanitization, etc.

Recent changes

  • WIP multi-module support (cross-module initializers, providers, overrides)
  • Switched to http.zig for improved performance over std.http.
  • Implemented hierarchical and introspectable routes.
  • Added basic Swagger support.
  • Added tk.static.dir() for serving entire directories.

Getting Started

Simple things should be easy to do.

const std = @import("std");
const tk = @import("tokamak");

const routes: []const tk.Route = &.{
    .get("/", hello),

fn hello() ![]const u8 {
    return "Hello";

pub fn main() !void {
    var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
    const allocator = gpa.allocator();
    defer _ = gpa.deinit();
    var server = try tk.Server.init(allocator, routes, .{ .listen = .{ .port = 8080 } });
    try server.start();

Dependency Injection

The framework is built around the concept of dependency injection. This means that your handler function can take any number of parameters, and the framework will try to provide them for you.

Notable types you can inject are:

  • std.mem.Allocator (request-scoped arena allocator)
  • *tk.Request (current request, including headers, body reader, etc.)
  • *tk.Response (current response, with methods to send data, set headers, etc.)
  • tk.Injector (the injector itself, see below)
  • and everything you provide yourself

For example, you can easily write a handler function which will create a string on the fly and return it to the client without any tight coupling to the server or the request/response types.

fn hello(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) ![]const u8 {
    return std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "Hello {}", .{std.time.timestamp()});

If you return any other type than []const u8, the framework will try to serialize it to JSON.

fn hello() !HelloRes {
    return .{ .message = "Hello" };

If you need a more fine-grained control over the response, you can inject a *tk.Response and use its methods directly.

But this will of course make your code tightly coupled to respective types and it should be avoided if possible.

fn hello(res: *tk.Response) !void {
    try res.json(.{ .message = "Hello" }, .{});

Custom Dependencies

You can also provide your own (global) dependencies by passing your own tk.Injector to the server.

pub fn main() !void {
    var db = try"my.db");
    var cx = .{ &db };

    var server = try tk.Server.init(allocator, routes, .{
        .injector = tk.Injector.init(&cx, null),
        .port = 8080

    try server.start();


While Tokamak doesn't have Express-style middleware, it achieves the same functionality through nested routes. Since routes can be nested and the prefix, path, and method fields are optional, you can create powerful middleware patterns.

Here's how to create a simple logging middleware:

fn logger(children: []const Route) tk.Route {
    const H = struct {
        fn handleLogger(ctx: *Context) anyerror!void {
            log.debug("{s} {s}", .{ @tagName(ctx.req.method), ctx.req.url });


    return .{ .handler = &H.handleLogger, .children = children };

const routes = []const tk.Route = &.{
        .get("/", hello),

Middleware handlers receive a *Context and return anyerror!void. They can perform pre-processing, logging, authentication, etc., and then call to continue to the next handler in the chain.

Request-Scoped Dependencies

Since Zig doesn't have closures, you can't capture variables from the outer scope. Instead, Tokamak allows you to add request-scoped dependencies that will be available to downstream handlers:

fn auth(ctx: *Context) anyerror!void {
    const db = ctx.injector.get(*Db);
    const token = try jwt.parse(ctx.req.getHeader("Authorization"));
    const user = db.find(User, catch null;

    return ctx.nextScoped(&.{ user });

Note: Middleware handlers need to use ctx.injector.get(T) to access dependencies manually, as they don't support the automatic dependency injection syntax.


Tokamak includes an Express-inspired router that supports path parameters and wildcards. It can handle up to 16 path parameters and uses the * character for wildcards.

const tk = @import("tokamak");

const routes: []const tk.Route = &.{
    .get("/", hello),                        // fn(...deps)
    .get("/hello/:name", helloName),         // fn(...deps, name)
    .get("/hello/:name/:age", helloNameAge), // fn(...deps, name, age)
    .get("/hello/*", helloWildcard),         // fn(...deps)
    .post("/hello", helloPost),              // fn(...deps, body)
    .post0("/hello", helloPost0),            // fn(...deps)

For more organized routing, use the Route.router(T) method with a DSL-like struct:

const routes: []const tk.Route = &.{
    .get("/", tk.send("Hello")),        // Classic Express-style routing
    .group("/api", &.{ .router(api) }), // Structured routing with a module

const api = struct {
    pub fn @"GET /"() []const u8 {
        return "Hello";

    pub fn @"GET /:name"(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, name: []const u8) ![]const u8 {
        return std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "Hello {s}", .{name});

Error Handling

Tokamak handles errors gracefully by automatically serializing them to JSON:

fn hello() !void {
    // This will send a 500 response with {"error": "TODO"}
    return error.TODO;

Static Files

Serve static files easily with built-in helpers:

const routes: []const tk.Route = &.{
    .get("/", tk.static.file("static/index.html")),

Serve entire directories:

const routes: []const tk.Route = &.{
    tk.static.dir("public", .{}),

Use with wildcard routes for more flexibility:

const routes: []const tk.Route = &.{
    tk.get("/assets/*", tk.static.dir("assets", .{ .index = null })),

If you want to embed some files into the binary, you can specify such paths to the tokamak module in your build.zig file.

const embed: []const []const u8 = &.{

const tokamak = b.dependency("tokamak", .{ .embed = embed });
exe.root_module.addImport("tokamak", tokamak.module("tokamak"));

In this case, only the files listed in the embed array will be embedded into the binary and any other files will be served from the filesystem.

MIME types

The framework will try to guess the MIME type based on the file extension, but you can also provide your own in the root module.

pub const mime_types = tk.mime_types ++ .{
    .{ ".foo", "text/foo" },


For a simple configuration, you can use the, opts) function, which will read the configuration from a JSON file. The opts parameter is optional and can be used to specify the path to the config file and parsing options.

const Cfg = struct {
    foo: u32,
    bar: []const u8,

const cfg = try, .{ .path = "config.json" });

There's also experimental tk.config.write(T, opts) function, which will write the configuration back to the file.

Process Monitoring

The tk.monitor(procs) function runs multiple processes in parallel and automatically restarts them if they crash. This creates a self-healing application that stays running even after unexpected failures.

    .{ "server", &runServer, .{ 8080 } },
    .{ "worker", &runWorker, .{} },

It takes a tuple of { name, fn_ptr, args_tuple } triples as input.

Note: This feature requires a system with fork() support. It takes over the main thread and forks processes, which may lead to unexpected behavior if used incorrectly. Use with caution.




Server-side framework for Zig, relying heavily on dependency injection.








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