Mojo Cheatsheet
Index and Slicing
from String import String
let s : String = "hello world"
print(String("hello world")[0])
let s = "hello world" # s is a `StringRef`
print(s[:5]) # ERROR: `StringRef` is not subscriptable
print("hello world"[0]) # ERROR: `StringLiteral` is not subscriptable
from DType import DType
let x : UI8 = 42 # alias UI8 = SIMD[DType.ui8, 1]
let y : SI8 = x.cast[DType.si8]()
to Int
let x : UI8 = 42
let y : Int = x.to_int() # `SIMD` to `Int`
let z : UI8 = y # `Int` to `SIMD`
Execute Python code directly in the playground
print("The answer is", 42)
Invoke Python interpreter from Mojo
let x: Int = 42
from PythonInterface import Python
let py = Python.import_module("builtins")
py.print("The answer is", x)
Create PythonObject explictly
# Translate to PythonObject
from PythonObject import PythonObject
alias int = PythonObject
alias str = PythonObject
alias float = PythonObject
let n : int = 2
print(n ** 100) # `int` does not overflow
let f : float = 0.6
print(f.hex()) # f is a Python `float` object
let s1 : str = "xxbaaa"
print(s1.upper()) # s1 is a Python `str` object
# continue ...
Translate PythonObject to Mojo types
# ... continued
from String import String
let m : Int = n.to_int()
let s2 : String = s1.to_string()
let d : F64 = f.to_f64()
Create a Pointer
var x : Int = 42 # x must be mutable
let xPtr = Pointer[Int].address_of(x)
print(xPtr.load()) # dereference a pointer
Casting type of Pointer
let yPtr : Pointer[UI8] = xPtr.bitcast[UI8]()
Null pointer
Call C function using Intrinsics.external_call
external_call[c_function_name, return_type, arg0_type, arg1_type, ...](arg0, arg1, ...) -> return_type
from Intrinsics import external_call
# time_t ts = time(NULL);
let ts = external_call["time", Int, Pointer[Int]](Pointer[Int]())
from Intrinsics import external_call
# definition of `struct tm`
alias int = SI32
struct C_tm:
var tm_sec: int
var tm_min: int
var tm_hour: int
var tm_mday: int
var tm_mon: int
var tm_year: int
var tm_wday: int
var tm_yday: int
var tm_isdst: int
fn __init__() -> Self:
return Self {
tm_sec: 0,
tm_min: 0,
tm_hour: 0,
tm_mday: 0,
tm_mon: 0,
tm_year: 0,
tm_wday: 0,
tm_yday: 0,
tm_isdst: 0
# time_t ts
let ts : Int
# time(&ts);
let tsPtr = Pointer[Int].address_of(ts)
external_call["time", Int, Pointer[Int]](tsPtr)
# struct tm *tm = gmtime(&ts)
let tmPtr = external_call["gmtime", Pointer[C_tm], Pointer[Int]](tsPtr)
let tm = tmPtr.load()
print(tm.tm_hour, ":", tm.tm_min, ":", tm.tm_sec)