# Project Specific /data/ /models/ /share/ /static/ /db.sqlite3 /keys /logs /profiles /ssh/* !/ssh/README.md /Mask_RCNN/ /letsencrypt-webroot/ # Ignore temporary files docker-compose.override.yml __pycache__ *.pyc ._* .coverage .husky/ .python-version tmp*cvat/ temp*/ # Ignore generated test files docker-compose.tests.yml # Ignore npm logs file npm-debug.log* yarn-debug.log* yarn-error.log* .DS_Store #Ignore Cypress tests temp files /tests/cypress/fixtures /tests/cypress/screenshots .idea/ #Ignore helm-related files /helm-chart/Chart.lock /helm-chart/values.*.yaml /helm-chart/*.values.yaml /helm-chart/charts/* #Ignore website temp files /site/public/ /site/resources/ /site/node_modules/ /site/tech-doc-hugo /site/.hugo_build.lock # Ignore all the installed packages node_modules /*env*/ /.*env* # Ignore all js dists cvat-data/dist cvat-core/dist cvat-canvas/dist cvat-canvas3d/dist cvat-ui/dist # produced by npm run docs in cvat-core cvat-core/docs # produced by npm run test in cvat-core cvat-core/reports # produced by prepare in the root package.json script .husky # produced by cvat/apps/iam/rules/tests/generate_tests.py /cvat/apps/*/rules/*_test.gen.rego