On the 17 Nov 2015 Instagram made changes to their API . Apps created before Nov 17, 2015 wont be affected until Jun 2016. Apps created on or after Nov 17 2015 will require to use their updated API. Please note that this library doesn't yet support their new updates.
When we launched our first Instagram API in 2011, we were a very small team and knew we wouldn’t be able to build all the features our community might want. Today we are announcing several platform changes to improve people’s control over their content and set up a more sustainable environment built around authentic experiences on the platform…
I guess we need to rethink this entire library in order to work with the latest changes. This will require a lot of efforts and there is currently no plan to update this library.
If you're just looking for a simple way to fetch a public Instagram feed, you can checkout this package: vinkla/instagram