cli: add --print-config to print current configuration #858
It would be great if the commitlint cli provided an option similar to ESLint's --print-config
option to print the current configuration.
Expected Behavior
commitlint --print-config
would print the current configuration, after resolving/merging any extends
, to stdout
as JSON. For example, with .commitlint.config.js
module.exports = {extends: ['@commitlint/config-angular']};
it would print
"rules": {
"body-leading-blank": [1, "always"],
"footer-leading-blank": [1, "always"],
"header-max-length": [2, "always", 72],
"scope-case": [2, "always", "lower-case"],
"subject-case": [2, "never", [
"subject-empty": [2, "never"],
"subject-full-stop": [2, "never", "."],
"type-case": [2, "always", "lower-case"],
"type-empty": [2, "never"],
"type-enum": [
Current Behavior
I have not seen such an option mentioned.
Affected packages
- cli
- core
- prompt
- config-angular
My current use case is to provide autocompletion of types and scopes from the commitlint configuration while editing commit messages.
Thanks for considering,