Optimize and store images in multiple sizes easily.
composer require codepane/laravel-image-handler
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Codepane\LaravelImageHandler\ImageHandlerServiceProvider"
- After installation is done once you can see imagehandler.php under the config directory.
- You can update dimensions, format, and quality as per your need from a configuration file.
- You can also add a new dimension.
Let's deep dive into this package for how to use it
use ImageHandler;
public function store()
// its takes the default file name as it is
// in 2nd argument you can pass your custom file name with or without the path
ImageHandler::store($request->file, 'file_name_with_or_without_path');
use ImageHandler;
public function get()
// this will return the original image
// pass dimension as the second argument to get a specific dimension of the file
ImageHandler::get('original_file_name', 'sm');
use ImageHandler;
public function get()
// pass dimension as the second argument to get a specific dimension of the file name
ImageHandler::getFileName('original_file_name', 'sm');
use ImageHandler;
public function delete()
Contributions are always welcome!
- Make a pull request if you have to contribute to this lovely library!
- We will review and pull your request.