Parsed test spec with 2 sessions starting permutation: s1_cross_update s2_value_update s1_commit s2_commit step s1_cross_update: UPDATE o_test SET key = key + 1 WHERE key = 1; step s2_value_update: UPDATE o_test SET val = val || 'xxx' WHERE key = 1; step s1_commit: COMMIT; step s2_value_update: <... completed> ERROR: tuple to be locked was already moved to another partition due to concurrent update step s2_commit: COMMIT; starting permutation: s1_cross_update s2_key_update s1_commit s2_commit step s1_cross_update: UPDATE o_test SET key = key + 1 WHERE key = 1; step s2_key_update: UPDATE o_test SET key = 4 WHERE key = 1; step s1_commit: COMMIT; step s2_key_update: <... completed> ERROR: tuple to be locked was already moved to another partition due to concurrent update step s2_commit: COMMIT; starting permutation: s1_cross_update s2_delete s1_commit s2_commit step s1_cross_update: UPDATE o_test SET key = key + 1 WHERE key = 1; step s2_delete: DELETE FROM o_test WHERE key = 1; step s1_commit: COMMIT; step s2_delete: <... completed> ERROR: tuple to be locked was already moved to another partition due to concurrent update step s2_commit: COMMIT;