Notice: This branch is for Node v0.10
shadowsocks-nodejs is a lightweight tunnel proxy which can help you get through firewalls. It is a port of shadowsocks.
The protocol is compatible with the origin shadowsocks(if both have been upgraded to the latest version). For example, you can use a python client with a nodejs server.
Other ports and clients can be found here.
Download the lastest Node v0.10 stable release.
tar xf node-v0.10.2.tar.gz
cd node-v0.10.2/
make -j2 && sudo make install
Clone the repo and switch to node-v0.10 branch:
git clone git://
git checkout node-v0.10
cd shadowsocks-nodejs
Edit config.json
, change the following values:
server your server IP (IPv4/IPv6), notice that your server will listen to this IP
server_port server port
local_port local port
password a password used to encrypt transfer
timeout in seconds
method encryption method, null by default, or use "rc4"
Run node server.js
on your server. To run it in the background, run
nohup node server.js > log &
On your client machine, run node local.js
Change the proxy setting in your browser into
protocol: socks5
port: your local_port
You can use args to override settings from config.json
node local.js -s server_name -p server_port -l local_port -k password -m rc4
node server.js -p server_port -k password -m rc4
Example of multi-user server support can be found in test/config-multi-passwd.json
Node v0.10 moved to new Readable Stream API. Though it's almost backward compatible, it has introduced a bug, resulting in memory leaks.
So I decided to create a new node-v0.10 branch, in which only the new API is used.
If you have any ideas about this, please file an issue.