Spika Backend is backend system for Spika Web/iOS/Android client. To setup this you need to have Linux based server with root permission.
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install git mongodb npm nodejs imagemagick
# It is only for Ubuntu 14.04
$ ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
$ git clone https://github.com/cloverstudio/Spika.git
$ cd Spika/web
$ npm install
$ npm install gulp -g
Change following lines
Config.host = "localhost";
Config.port = 80;
Config.urlPrefix = '/spika';
Config.socketNameSpace = '/spika';
Config.urlPrefix is that you can configure root URL for Spika. For example if you want run spika http://[ipaddress]/aaaa/bbbb/spika, it will be '/aaaa/bbbb/spika'.
Config.socketNameSpace is name space for web socket, in most case you need not change this.
This is not necessary if you don't use web client. But I recommend you to setup web client to test configuration.
Config.apiBaseUrl = "http://localhost:8080/spika/v1";
Config.socketUrl = "http://localhost:8080/spika";
Config.apiBaseUrl should be host + urlPrefix + "v1" from server configuration.
Config.socketUrl should be same as host + socketNameSpace.
####4. Generate public files and start server.
# Generate files in public dir
$ gulp build-dist
# Start server in stand alone mode
$ node src/server/main.js
####5. Open standalone web client in browser http[s]://host:port/[urlPrefix]