Sample project using clojurephant to build a ClojureScript app.
Start the nREPL server:
$ ./gradlew clojureRepl
NOTE: REPL support for CLJS is in a rough state right in 0.7.0.
Connect to the nREPL server with your client/editor of choice and start the Figwheel REPL.
user => (do
(require '[])
(require '[figwheel.repl])
(require '[cider.piggieback])
(let [opts {:optimizations :none
:main '
:output-to "build/tmp/clojureRepl/public/js/main.js"
:output-dir "build/tmp/clojureRepl/public/js/out"
:asset-path "js/out"
:source-map true}]
( opts)
(cider.piggieback/cljs-repl (figwheel.repl/repl-env) opts)))
NOTE: This only uses the figwheel-repl
component not the full figwheel-main
. This means you don't get the hot-reloading Figwheel normally provides, but do get it's other REPL capabilities.
See Clojurephant's docs.