[Accessibility] - The selected state for the toolbar buttons is not announced by screen reader #4543
opened on Feb 24, 2021
Type of report
Provide detailed reproduction steps (if any)
- Launch ckeditor demo url https://ckeditor.com/ckeditor-4/demo/
- Launch any screen reader like NVDA/JAWS/Voice Over(iOS).
- Press bold and type some text.
- Press ALT+F10 to navigate to toolbar using keyboard.
- Navigate to Bold button and some other button which is not selected e.g. Italic.
Expected result
For screen reader users proper information should be conveyed when they access toolbar buttons i.e. selected/not.
Actual result
When screen reader users navigate to the selected item(Bold) and non selected item(Italic), screen reader is not conveying any information like Bold selected etc...
Other details
- Browser: Chrome, Safari
- OS: Windows, iOS
- CKEditor version: 4