Hello, I'm trying to learn how to debug programs with chezscheme.
In this case I have an exception while loading some code. But I cannot easily find from where the error is coming. There is some way to show a backtrace to see the context from where the variable is referenced?
Follows my attempt to inspect the code
> (load "sdl2.sls")
Exception: variable sdl-pixeltype is not bound
Type (debug) to enter the debugger.
> (debug)
debug> i
#<continuation> : s
continuation: #<system continuation in ksrc>
call code: sdl-pixeltype
#<continuation> : c
source code not available
#<continuation> : sl
continuation: #<system continuation in ksrc>
call code: sdl-pixeltype
#<continuation> : sf
0: #<continuation>
1: #<system continuation in ksrc>
2: #<system continuation>
3: #<system continuation in dynamic-wind>
4: #<system continuation in dynamic-wind>
5: #<system continuation in $reset-protect>
6: #<system continuation in new-cafe>
#<continuation> : cp
this frame has no closure
sdl-pixeltype : ?
ref(r) .............. inspect value field [n] of symbol
value(v) ............ inspect top-level-value of symbol
name(n) ............. inspect name of symbol
property-list(pl) ... inspect property-list of symbol
show(s) ............. show fields of symbol
?? .................. display more options
sdl-pixeltype : s
0. top level value: #<unbound object>
1. name: "sdl-pixeltype"
2. properties: ()
No labels