This application showcases how easy the Circuit JS SDK can be integrated into a website. This website allows users to collaborate on different movies or TV shows.
Live app at
This app is built using web components, specifically the lit-html library built by the Google Polymer team. In addition lit-html-element is used to simplify the code.
- Only 4 fixed TV shows to collaborate on
- Login only with the 3 accounts listed below sign in button
- Search for movies or TV shows and allow collaboration on all of them. Show more information of the movies/shows of OMDb API.
- Login with your own sandbox account. This will require a server-side integration with the Circuit Node.js SDK where a bot adds users to the corresponding conversation as needed.
- Collaboration via Circuit WebRTC APIs (audio and/or video).
- Allow commenting on post (maybe)
- Like/Unlike posts
- Show analytics data of usage
- Use a module bundler like webpack rather than serving node_modules.
Use any webserver and open the index.html file. E.g. using http-server
git clone
cd imdb-collaboration
http-server -p 3200
// browse to http://localhost:3200