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A Docker image for Hugo, the static-site generator. This image focuses on a CI use-case, not production. Includes HTMLProofer for testing.


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A Docker image for Hugo, a static-site generator. Includes HTMLProofer for testing. Hosted on Docker Hub.

Currently, this Docker image is designed to be used as a base image on CircleCI for building, testing, and deploying Hugo based websites.

I plan to make this image useful for local testing and build/test/deploy on other CI provider as well in the future.

Using on CircleCI

Using this image to build your Hugo generated website on CircleCI can be as simple as using the following configuration in .circleci/config.yml:

version: 2.1
      - image: hubci/hugo:0.96.0
      - checkout
      - run:
          name: "Run Hugo"
          command: HUGO_ENV=production hugo -v -s src/
      - run:
          name: "Test Website"
          command: htmlproofer src/public --allow-hash-href --check-html --empty-alt-ignore --disable-external


0.96.0 is the version of Hugo to use. You can use a complete SemVer version number such as 0.96.0 to specifically pin to that release. You can also use 0.96 which will use Hugo 0.96.0, and then 0.96.1, and 0.96.2, and so on as newer versions are released.

You can also use nightly to use the in-development version. nightly is a snapshot of whatever is in the master branch of Hugo, which is unreleased, updated at least once a day.

edge - the edge tag is available as a testing ground for new changes to this image. Changes to trunk will appear immediately in the hugo:edge image. The next proper release will also include those changes unless they are removed before hand.

In this example, we assume the Hugo files are in a directory called src in the repo. A full walkthrough on how to do this can be found on CircleCI's blog.

Building The Images

To prepare new images, I run ./shared/ locally, passing it the current Hugo versions that I am "supporting". For example, for the initial release, I ran ./shared/ 0.96.0.

That creates the Dockerfiles and the build script for them. For actual, proper releases though, I run the ./shared/ script. This script runs but also does all the Git work to publish a proper release. The flag [release] is added to the commit message to initiate a release.

Websites Using This & Examples

The following sites use Hugo and this image (and some have their config public):

Feedback & Contributing

Please feel free to open GitHub Issues for any questions, bugs, request, etc. You can also write a new post on Hugo's forum and ping me, FelicianoTech. Pull Request welcome as well.


A Docker image for Hugo, the static-site generator. This image focuses on a CI use-case, not production. Includes HTMLProofer for testing.





