FailFeed is a World of Warcraft addon that displays a "kill"-feed of the stuff your boosted monkey team mates are taking avoidable damage from. Similar to ElitismHelper but just for you without spaming the chat. In fact most of the internal spell database is taken from ElitismHelper.
The display is especially useful for healers and tanks to understand if you are doing something wrong or if your team mates are just bad. Sometimes it a mix of both, but you are an adult and can decide for yourself.
- Output is colored and formated to include spell icons, class color and current role
- Window is freely movable and direction and alignment of text can be customized
- No one knows you are using it
- Damage taken does not take certain absorbs or immunities into account. So damage taken should not be taken as the amount of damage that actually went through, but rather as a measure of how much damage the player was exposed to.