#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __author__ = "duc_tin" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2015+, duc_tin" __license__ = "GPLv2" __version__ = "1.25" __maintainer__ = "duc_tin" __email__ = "nguyenbaduc.tin@gmail.com" import ConfigParser import re import sys import socket from collections import OrderedDict def ctext(text, color): """ Add color to printed text :type text: str :type color: str """ fcolor = {'p': '\033[95m', # purple 'b': '\033[94m', # blue 'g': '\033[92m', # green 'y': '\033[93m', # yellow 'r': '\033[91m', # red 'B': '\033[1m', # BOLD 'U': '\033[4m', # UNDERLINE } ENDC = '\033[0m' tformat = ''.join([fcolor[fm] for fm in color]) return tformat + text + ENDC def get_input(s, option): """ :type s: Setting """ if option[0] not in ['c', 'config']: print 'Wrong argument. Do you mean "config" or "restore" ?' sys.exit() while 1: use_proxy, proxy, port, ip, sort_by, s_country, s_port, s_score, fix_dns, dns, verbose, mirrors = s[:] mirrors = mirrors.split(', ') print ctext('\n Current settings:', 'B') print ctext(' 1. Proxy address:', 'yB'), proxy, ctext('\t2. port: ', 'yB'), port print ctext(' 3. Use proxy:', 'yB'), use_proxy print ctext(' 4. Sort servers by:', 'yB'), sort_by print ctext(' 5. Country filter:', 'yB'), s_country, ctext('\t\t6. VPN server\'s port: ', 'yB'), s_port print ctext(' 7. Minimum score:', 'yB'), s_score print ctext(' 8. Fix dns leaking:', 'yB'), fix_dns print ctext(' 9. DNS list: ', 'yB'), dns print ctext(' 10. Show openvpn log:', 'B'), verbose print ctext(' 11. VPN gate\'s mirrors:', 'yB'), '%s ...' % mirrors[1] user_input = raw_input('\nCommand or just Enter to continue: ') if user_input == '': print 'Process to vpn server list' s.write() return elif user_input == '1': s.proxy['address'] = raw_input('Your http_proxy: ') try: s.proxy['ip'] = socket.gethostbyname(s.proxy['address']) except socket.gaierror: s.proxy['ip'] = '' print " Can't resolve hostname of proxy, please input ip!" elif user_input == '2': user_input = 'abc' while not user_input.strip().isdigit() or not 0 <= int(user_input.strip()) <= 65535: user_input = raw_input('Http proxy\'s port (eg: 8080): ') s.proxy['port'] = user_input elif user_input == '3': while user_input.lower() not in ['y', 'n', 'yes', 'no']: user_input = raw_input('Use proxy to connect to vpn? (yes|no): ') else: s.proxy['use_proxy'] = 'no' if user_input in 'no' else 'yes' elif user_input == '4': while user_input not in ['speed', 'ping', 'score', 'up time', 'uptime']: user_input = raw_input('Sort servers by (speed | ping | score | up time): ') s.sort['key'] = 'up time' if user_input == 'uptime' else user_input elif user_input == '5': while not re.match('^[a-z ]*$', user_input.lower().strip()): user_input = raw_input('Country\'s name (eg: [all], jp, japan): ') else: s.filter['country'] = 'all' if not user_input else user_input.lower() elif user_input == '6': user_input = 'abc' while not user_input.strip().isdigit(): user_input = raw_input('VPN server\'s port (eg: 995): ') if not user_input or 'all' == user_input: break s.filter['port'] = user_input if user_input else 'all' elif user_input == '7': user_input = 'abc' while not user_input.strip().isdigit(): user_input = raw_input('Minimum score of servers (eg: 200000): ') if not user_input or 'all' == user_input: break s.filter['score'] = user_input if user_input else 'all' elif user_input == '8': while user_input.lower() not in ['y', 'n', 'yes', 'no']: user_input = raw_input('Fix DNS:') else: s.dns['fix_dns'] = 'no' if user_input in 'no' else 'yes' elif user_input == '9': print 'Default DNS are,,' user_input = '@' while not re.match('[a-zA-Z0-9., ]*$', user_input.strip()): user_input = raw_input('DNS server(s) with "," separated or Enter to use default: ') if user_input: s.dns['dns'] = user_input.replace(' ', '').split(',') else: s.dns['dns'] = ',,' elif user_input == '10': while user_input.lower() not in ['y', 'n', 'yes', 'no']: user_input = raw_input('Show openvpn log: ') else: s.openvpn['verbose'] = 'no' if user_input in 'no' else 'yes' elif user_input == '11': while True: user_input = "abc" print ctext('\n Current VPNGate\'s mirrors:', 'B') for ind, url in enumerate(mirrors): print ' ', ind, url print '\nType ' + ctext("add %s", 'B') + ' or ' + ctext("del %d", 'B') + \ ' to add or delete mirror \n' \ ' where %s is a mirror\'s url and %d is index number of a mirror' \ '\n Or just Enter to leave it intact' while user_input.lower()[0:3] not in ("add", "del", ""): user_input = raw_input("\033[1mYour command: \033[0m") else: if user_input.lower()[0:3] == "add": url = user_input.lower()[3:].strip() mirrors.append(url) elif user_input.lower()[0:3] == "del": number = user_input.lower()[3:].strip() if number.isdigit() and int(number) < len(mirrors): num = int(number) mirrors.pop(num) else: print ' Index number is not exist!' else: s.mirror['url'] = ', '.join(mirrors) break elif user_input in ['q', 'quit', 'exit']: print ctext('Goodbye'.center(40), 'gB') sys.exit(0) else: print 'Invalid input' class Setting: def __init__(self, path): self.path = path self.parser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() self.proxy = OrderedDict([('use_proxy', 'no'), ('address', ''), ('port', ''), ('ip', '')]) self.sort = {'key': 'score'} self.filter = OrderedDict([('country', 'all'), ('port', 'all'), ('score', 'all')]) self.dns = OrderedDict([('fix_dns', 'yes'), ('dns', ',,')]) self.openvpn = {'verbose': 'yes'} self.mirror = {'url': "http://p76ed4cd5.tokynt01.ap.so-net.ne.jp:16169, " ", " ", " "http://zp018093.ppp.dion.ne.jp:36205"} self.sections = OrderedDict([('proxy', self.proxy), ('sort', self.sort), ('country_filter', self.filter), ('DNS_leak', self.dns), ('openvpn', self.openvpn), ('mirror', self.mirror)]) def __getitem__(self, index): data = [] for sec in self.sections.values(): data += sec.values() return data[index] def write(self): for sect in self.sections: if not self.parser.has_section(sect): self.parser.add_section(sect) for content in self.sections[sect]: self.parser.set(sect, content, self.sections[sect][content]) with open(self.path, 'w+') as configfile: self.parser.write(configfile) def load(self): self.parser.read(self.path) for sect in self.sections: for content in self.sections[sect]: try: self.sections[sect][content] = self.parser.get(sect, content) except ConfigParser.NoSectionError: self.parser.add_section(sect) self.parser.set(sect, content, self.sections[sect][content])