tap "aws/tap" tap "heroku/brew" tap "homebrew/bundle" tap "homebrew/cask-drivers" tap "homebrew/cask-fonts" tap "homebrew/services" tap "mongodb/brew" # Library and utilities for processing GIFs brew "giflib" # Library for manipulating PNG images brew "libpng" # Color management engine supporting ICC profiles brew "little-cms2" # Image format providing lossless and lossy compression for web images brew "webp" # New file format for still image compression brew "jpeg-xl" # Codec library for encoding and decoding AV1 video streams brew "aom" # Companion library to apr, the Apache Portable Runtime library brew "apr-util" # Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language brew "python@3.11" # Client for Amazon Elastic Beanstalk web service brew "aws-elasticbeanstalk" # C Foreign Function Interface for Python brew "cffi", link: false # Cryptographic recipes and primitives for Python brew "cryptography" # CLI tool to build, test, debug, and deploy Serverless applications using AWS SAM brew "aws-sam-cli" # Official Amazon AWS command-line interface brew "awscli" # Clone of cat(1) with syntax highlighting and Git integration brew "bat" # Get/set bluetooth power and discoverable state brew "blueutil" # Core application library for C brew "glib" # Vector graphics library with cross-device output support brew "cairo" # Defines a standard way of committing rules and communicating it brew "commitizen" # C library implementing the SSH2 protocol brew "libssh2" # Tool for downloading RTMP streaming media brew "rtmpdump" # Get a file from an HTTP, HTTPS or FTP server brew "curl" # Command-line tool for DigitalOcean brew "doctl" # Text processing system for reStructuredText brew "docutils" # Modern replacement for 'ls' brew "exa" # Asynchronous event library brew "libevent" # OpenType text shaping engine brew "harfbuzz" # Framework for layout and rendering of i18n text brew "pango" # Play, record, convert, and stream audio and video brew "ffmpeg" # Platform built on V8 to build network applications brew "node" # Firebase command-line tools brew "firebase-cli" # Libraries to talk to Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase databases brew "freetds" # Gatsby command-line interface brew "gatsby-cli" # Library for encoding and decoding .avif files brew "libavif" # Graphics library to dynamically manipulate images brew "gd" # Toolkit for image loading and pixel buffer manipulation brew "gdk-pixbuf" # GitHub command-line tool brew "gh" # Distributed revision control system brew "git" # Open source programming language to build simple/reliable/efficient software brew "go" # Manage compile and link flags for libraries brew "pkg-config" # Generate introspection data for GObject libraries brew "gobject-introspection" # User-friendly cURL replacement (command-line HTTP client) brew "httpie" # Image manipulation library brew "jpeg", link: true # Easy way to access the system keyring service from python brew "keyring" # Provides library functionality for FIDO U2F & FIDO 2.0, including USB brew "libfido2" # Postgres C API library brew "libpq" # Library to render SVG files using Cairo brew "librsvg" # Mac App Store command-line interface brew "mas" # Simple tool to make locally trusted development certificates brew "mkcert" # MongoDB Shell to connect, configure, query, and work with your MongoDB database brew "mongosh" # Open source relational database management system brew "mysql", restart_service: true # Node version management brew "n" # Ambitious Vim-fork focused on extensibility and agility brew "neovim" # Cryptography and SSL/TLS Toolkit brew "openssl@1.1" # Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language brew "python@3.10" # Platform built on V8 to build network applications brew "node@14" # Platform built on V8 to build network applications brew "node@16" # Create, run, and share large language models (LLMs) brew "ollama", restart_service: true # General-purpose scripting language brew "php" # Fast, disk space efficient package manager brew "pnpm" # Object-relational database system brew "postgresql@15", restart_service: true # Python version management brew "pyenv" # Tool Command Language brew "tcl-tk" # Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language brew "python@3.8" # Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language brew "python@3.9" # Version control system designed to be a better CVS brew "subversion" # Display directories as trees (with optional color/HTML output) brew "tree" # Feature-rich command-line audio/video downloader brew "yt-dlp" # Everything you need to get started with Heroku brew "heroku/brew/heroku" # High-performance, schema-free, document-oriented database brew "mongodb/brew/mongodb-community" # Password manager that keeps all passwords secure behind one password cask "1password" # Command-line interface for 1Password cask "1password-cli" # Application uninstaller cask "appcleaner" # Chromium based browser cask "arc" # Cross platform SQL editor and database management app cask "beekeeper-studio" # Cryptocurrency exchange cask "binance" # E-books management software cask "calibre" # Server and cloud storage browser cask "cyberduck" # App to build and share containerised applications and microservices cask "docker" # Client for the Dropbox cloud storage service cask "dropbox" # Collaborative team software cask "figma" cask "font-geist" cask "font-geist-mono" cask "font-sf-mono" # Web browser cask "google-chrome" # Set of tools to manage resources and applications hosted on Google Cloud cask "google-cloud-sdk" # Free and open-source media player cask "iina" # Tool to optimise images to a smaller size cask "imageoptim" # HTTP and GraphQL Client cask "insomnia" # Terminal emulator as alternative to Apple's Terminal app cask "iterm2" # Tool to prevent the system from going into sleep mode cask "keepingyouawake" # Open-source keystroke visualiser cask "keycastr" # Wallet desktop application to maintain multiple cryptocurrencies cask "ledger-live" # Provides updates to various Microsoft products cask "microsoft-auto-update" # Spreadsheet software cask "microsoft-excel" # Word processor cask "microsoft-word" # Interactive tool for analyzing MongoDB data cask "mongodb-compass" # Tool to control external monitor brightness & volume cask "monitorcontrol" # App to write, plan, collaborate, and get organised cask "notion" # Calculator and converter application cask "numi" # Knowledge base that works on top of a local folder of plain text Markdown files cask "obsidian" # Collaboration platform for API development cask "postman" # Control your tools with a few keystrokes cask "raycast" # Email client cask "readdle-spark" # Move and resize windows using keyboard shortcuts or snap areas cask "rectangle" # JavaScript playground that auto-evaluates as code is typed cask "runjs" # Comic viewer/reader cask "simple-comic" # Team communication and collaboration software cask "slack" # Graphical client for Git version control cask "sourcetree" # Xcode Extension for reformatting Swift code cask "swiftformat-for-xcode" # CSV file editor cask "table-tool" # Messaging app with a focus on speed and security cask "telegram" # Helper application for Things cask "thingsmacsandboxhelper" # Trading platform cask "tiger-trade" # Open-source BitTorrent client cask "transmission" # Open-source code editor cask "visual-studio-code" # Native desktop client for WhatsApp cask "whatsapp" # Multiplayer code editor cask "zed" # Video communication and virtual meeting platform cask "zoom" mas "1Password for Safari", id: 1569813296 mas "Day One", id: 1055511498 mas "iA Writer", id: 775737590 mas "Keynote", id: 409183694 mas "Kindle", id: 302584613 mas "mymind", id: 1532801185 mas "Notion Web Clipper", id: 1559269364 mas "Numbers", id: 409203825 mas "Pages", id: 409201541 mas "Pixelmator Pro", id: 1289583905 mas "Screenie", id: 965442961 mas "Spark", id: 1176895641 mas "Spark Desktop", id: 6445813049 mas "The Unarchiver", id: 425424353 mas "Things", id: 904280696 mas "Wireless@SGx", id: 1449928544 mas "Xcode", id: 497799835 vscode "adpyke.codesnap" vscode "akamud.vscode-theme-onedark" vscode "be5invis.vscode-custom-css" vscode "biomejs.biome" vscode "bradlc.vscode-tailwindcss" vscode "christian-kohler.npm-intellisense" vscode "christian-kohler.path-intellisense" vscode "cweijan.vscode-mysql-client2" vscode "dbaeumer.vscode-eslint" vscode "drcika.apc-extension" vscode "dsznajder.es7-react-js-snippets" vscode "eamodio.gitlens" vscode "ecmel.vscode-html-css" vscode "editorconfig.editorconfig" vscode "enhancedjax.vscode-ayu-zed" vscode "esbenp.prettier-vscode" vscode "formulahendry.auto-close-tag" vscode "formulahendry.auto-rename-tag" vscode "golang.go" vscode "grapecity.gc-excelviewer" vscode "humao.rest-client" vscode "jasonnutter.search-node-modules" vscode "juanblanco.solidity" vscode "mhutchie.git-graph" vscode "mikestead.dotenv" vscode "mongodb.mongodb-vscode" vscode "ms-azuretools.vscode-docker" vscode "ms-python.black-formatter" vscode "ms-python.debugpy" vscode "ms-python.isort" vscode "ms-python.python" vscode "ms-python.vscode-pylance" vscode "ms-toolsai.jupyter" vscode "ms-toolsai.jupyter-keymap" vscode "ms-toolsai.jupyter-renderers" vscode "ms-toolsai.vscode-jupyter-cell-tags" vscode "ms-toolsai.vscode-jupyter-slideshow" vscode "ms-vscode.vscode-typescript-next" vscode "ms-vsliveshare.vsliveshare" vscode "msjsdiag.vscode-react-native" vscode "nascc.gptheme-plus" vscode "perkovec.emoji" vscode "pkief.material-icon-theme" vscode "remixproject.ethereum-remix" vscode "richie5um2.vscode-sort-json" vscode "ritwickdey.liveserver" vscode "sleistner.vscode-fileutils" vscode "streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker" vscode "styled-components.vscode-styled-components" vscode "unifiedjs.vscode-mdx" vscode "vscode-icons-team.vscode-icons" vscode "vsls-contrib.gistfs" vscode "wix.vscode-import-cost" vscode "xabikos.javascriptsnippets" vscode "xabikos.reactsnippets" vscode "yzhang.markdown-all-in-one" vscode "zhuangtongfa.material-theme"