A Golang based Redis operator that will make/manage Redis in standalone mode on top of the Kubernetes.
- Redis standalone mode setup
- Enable Redis Modules: RedisGraph, RedisJSON, RedisBloom, RedisTimeSeries and/or RedisSearch
- Password/Password-less setup
- Resources restrictions with k8s requests
- SecurityContext to create immutable pods during runtime.
- Storage provisioning (PVC)
- Prometheus exporter
- Affinity and node selector
# Create a single node KinD cluster.
kind create cluster
# Install CRD
make install
# Deploy operator to cluster.
make deploy
# Create some redis custom resources.
# Deploy redis environment
kubectl apply -f config/samples/redis-as-a-graph-database.yaml
kubectl apply -f config/samples/redis-as-a-search-engine.yaml
kubectl apply -f config/samples/redis-as-a-cache-engine.yaml