The Cymru Expert creates a Key from an IP-Address in the following manner:
IP to Int
Int to bin
f.e.: => 136828682 => '0b1000001001111101011100001010'
When the first octet is smaller than 128 (ipv4), the resulting binary is < 32 Chars.
For the Key Calculation in the Cache you strip the IP address to 24 Chards (in ipv4), this leads to wrong information in the cache.
The upper IP leads to a key: 100110010110110101111100
When you check the same algorithm for you will end up with the same key.
[ => 2189258752 => '0b10000010011111010111000000000000']
This will lead to wrong information when the Cache is hit.
(Line 55, intelmq/bots/experts/cymru_whois/
cache_key = bin(ip_integer)[2: minimum + 2]
ip_bin = bin(ip_integer)[2:]
if(ip_version == '4' and len(ip_bin) < 32) # check if lenght is smaller than 32, so shorten minimum
minimum = minimum - (32 - len(ip_bin))
cache_key = ip_bin[0:minimum]
But maybe you have a better Idea.
This will lead, that the Key is shorter than 24 Characters if the first octet of the ip is smaller than 128.