A full Pharo image is too big for running in small hardware constrained devices (i.e. arduino), and in many cases we don't need all the capabilities of the system when the goal is to use it only for executing a specific application after deploying.
In this project we present the Pharo Bootstrapper application, which allows you to design and generate your own custom Pharo images (also named Kernels).
The Pharo Bootstrapper is an application that runs in Pharo. It works by reading the source files (in Tonel format) where all the classes of your custom system are defined, and after by generating a .image file which can be executed using the headless Pharo Virtual Machine.
This application was developed using the previous work of @Guillep on the Pharo Bootstrap Process.
To play start playing with it, you need to clone this repository and checkout the branch candle
git clone --branch candle https://github.com/carolahp/pharo.git
cd pharo
To generate the environment for the Pharo Bootstrapper, execute the next command: (don't forget the -m flag, for manual, or it will explode! ... at least for now)
BUILD_NUMBER=42 BOOTSTRAP_ARCH=32 bash ./bootstrap/scripts/bootstrap.sh -m
A Pharo system will automatically start, showing up two Pharo Bootstrapper windows.
To open a Pharo Bootstrapper again you must execute:
"For bootstrapping a micro image (164KB)"
(PBBuilder newWithUICandleInDirectory: './PharoCandleSrc-1.0' asFileReference ) openUI.
"For bootstrapping the pharo miniamal image (1.7MB)"
(PBBuilder newWithUIInDirectory: './../../../src' asFileReference ) openUI.
In your custom image you define any class of the system, even core classes such as Object, Class and Metaclass, the only limitation is the compatibility with the Pharo Virtual Machine.
To be able to use the functionality "debug in generated image" you must install the Hybrid Debugger, which let you debugg semantic errors in your language definition before writing the image to disk and executing it with the Pharo VM.
First you must install Spec2:
Metacello new
githubUser: 'pharo-spec' project: 'Spec' commitish: 'master' path: 'src';
baseline: 'Spec2';
onConflict: [ :e | e useIncoming ];
onUpgrade: [ :e | e useIncoming ];
After, install the HybridDebugger
Metacello new
githubUser: 'carolahp' project: 'PBHybridDebugger' commitish: 'master' path: '';
baseline: 'PBHybridDebugger';