# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license using Random, Sockets const STDLIB_DIR = Sys.STDLIB const STDLIBS = filter!(x -> isfile(joinpath(STDLIB_DIR, x, "src", "$(x).jl")), readdir(STDLIB_DIR)) """ `tests, net_on, exit_on_error, seed = choosetests(choices)` selects a set of tests to be run. `choices` should be a vector of test names; if empty or set to `["all"]`, all tests are selected. This function also supports "test collections": specifically, "linalg" refers to collections of tests in the correspondingly-named directories. Upon return: - `tests` is a vector of fully-expanded test names, - `net_on` is true if networking is available (required for some tests), - `exit_on_error` is true if an error in one test should cancel remaining tests to be run (otherwise, all tests are run unconditionally), - `seed` is a seed which will be used to initialize the global RNG for each test to be run. Three options can be passed to `choosetests` by including a special token in the `choices` argument: - "--skip", which makes all tests coming after be skipped, - "--exit-on-error" which sets the value of `exit_on_error`, - "--seed=SEED", which sets the value of `seed` to `SEED` (parsed as an `UInt128`); `seed` is otherwise initialized randomly. This option can be used to reproduce failed tests. """ function choosetests(choices = []) testnames = [ "subarray", "core", "compiler", "worlds", "keywordargs", "numbers", "subtype", "char", "strings", "triplequote", "unicode", "intrinsics", "dict", "hashing", "iobuffer", "staged", "offsetarray", "arrayops", "tuple", "reduce", "reducedim", "abstractarray", "intfuncs", "simdloop", "vecelement", "rational", "bitarray", "copy", "math", "fastmath", "functional", "iterators", "operators", "ordering", "path", "ccall", "parse", "loading", "gmp", "sorting", "spawn", "backtrace", "exceptions", "file", "read", "version", "namedtuple", "mpfr", "broadcast", "complex", "floatapprox", "stdlib", "reflection", "regex", "float16", "combinatorics", "sysinfo", "env", "rounding", "ranges", "mod2pi", "euler", "show", "client", "errorshow", "sets", "goto", "llvmcall", "llvmcall2", "ryu", "some", "meta", "stacktraces", "docs", "misc", "threads", "stress", "enums", "cmdlineargs", "int", "interpreter", "checked", "bitset", "floatfuncs", "precompile", "boundscheck", "error", "ambiguous", "cartesian", "osutils", "channels", "iostream", "secretbuffer", "specificity", "reinterpretarray", "syntax", "logging", "missing", "asyncmap", "atexit" ] tests = [] skip_tests = [] exit_on_error = false use_revise = false seed = rand(RandomDevice(), UInt128) for (i, t) in enumerate(choices) if t == "--skip" skip_tests = choices[i + 1:end] break elseif t == "--exit-on-error" exit_on_error = true elseif t == "--revise" use_revise = true elseif startswith(t, "--seed=") seed = parse(UInt128, t[8:end]) else push!(tests, t) end end if tests == ["all"] || isempty(tests) tests = testnames end function filtertests!(tests, name, files=[name]) flt = x -> (x != name && !(x in files)) if name in skip_tests filter!(flt, tests) elseif name in tests filter!(flt, tests) prepend!(tests, files) end end filtertests!(tests, "unicode", ["unicode/utf8"]) filtertests!(tests, "strings", ["strings/basic", "strings/search", "strings/util", "strings/io", "strings/types"]) # do subarray before sparse but after linalg filtertests!(tests, "subarray") filtertests!(tests, "compiler", ["compiler/inference", "compiler/validation", "compiler/ssair", "compiler/irpasses", "compiler/codegen", "compiler/inline", "compiler/contextual"]) filtertests!(tests, "stdlib", STDLIBS) # do ambiguous first to avoid failing if ambiguities are introduced by other tests filtertests!(tests, "ambiguous") if startswith(string(Sys.ARCH), "arm") # Remove profile from default tests on ARM since it currently segfaults # Allow explicitly adding it for testing @warn "Skipping Profile tests" filter!(x -> (x != "Profile"), tests) end net_required_for = ["Sockets", "LibGit2"] net_on = true try ipa = getipaddr() catch @warn "Networking unavailable: Skipping tests [" * join(net_required_for, ", ") * "]" net_on = false end if !net_on filter!(!in(net_required_for), tests) end if ccall(:jl_running_on_valgrind,Cint,()) != 0 && "rounding" in tests @warn "Running under valgrind: Skipping rounding tests" filter!(x -> x != "rounding", tests) end filter!(!in(skip_tests), tests) explicit_pkg3 = "Pkg/pkg" in tests explicit_libgit2 = "LibGit2/online" in tests new_tests = String[] for test in tests if test in STDLIBS testfile = joinpath(STDLIB_DIR, test, "test", "testgroups") if isfile(testfile) testgroups = readlines(testfile) length(testgroups) == 0 && error("no testgroups defined for $test") prepend!(new_tests, (test * "/") .* testgroups) else push!(new_tests, test) end end end filter!(x -> (x != "stdlib" && !(x in STDLIBS)) , tests) append!(tests, new_tests) explicit_pkg3 || filter!(x -> x != "Pkg/pkg", tests) explicit_libgit2 || filter!(x -> x != "LibGit2/online", tests) # Filter out tests from the test groups in the stdlibs filter!(!in(skip_tests), tests) tests, net_on, exit_on_error, use_revise, seed end