Senior Developer focused on Kotlin programming language for Android OS, but also interested in Kotlin Multiplatform ๐
Tech stack ๐ช:
- Architecture: - MVVM, MVI, Single Activity pattern, Navigation Component with SafeArgs, Data/View binding, Clean, Multimodule
- Dependency Injection: - Dagger, Hilt, Koin
- Async - Coroutines, Flow, LiveData, Rx
- Data: - ROOM, Retrofit, OkHttp, SP/DataStore, Glide, Coil, Kotlin Serialization, Moshi
- Testing - JUnit, Espresso, Kakao, UI Automator, Mockito, Mockk, Truth, Turbine, Coroutines Testing
- UI - Material Design (2 & 3), Jetpack Compose, Animations, Lottie, Motion Layout
- Google SDKs - Firebase, Maps, Ads, Crashlytics, Analytics, Remote Config, Messaging, Distribution
- CI/CD - Bitrise, Github Actions
- Other - Encryption, MLKit, Services, Work Manager, Notifications, Leak Canary, Accessibility
Starting from scratch with C++, growing up with Java/Python, and then falling in love with Kotlin + Android. As soon as I got along with Kotlin I didn't write a single line of Java. It was a great feeling to create scalable apps that are easy to read and will be usable by millions of users daily.
I love esports (mainly LoL). I watch and read a lot about mobile technology blogs. Also, I'm listening to a lot of electro-house music and reading/watching sci-fi and fantasy.