from collections import defaultdict import boto3 import datetime import os import requests import sys n_days = 7 today = yesterday = today - datetime.timedelta(days=1) week_ago = today - datetime.timedelta(days=n_days) # It seems that the sparkline symbols don't line up (probably based on font?) so put them last # Also, leaving out the full block because Slack doesn't like it: '█' sparks = ['▁', '▂', '▃', '▄', '▅', '▆', '▇'] def sparkline(datapoints): lower = min(datapoints) upper = max(datapoints) n_sparks = len(sparks) - 1 line = "" for dp in datapoints: scaled = 1 if upper == 0 else dp/upper which_spark = round(scaled * n_sparks) line += (sparks[which_spark]) return line def delta(costs): if (len(costs) > 1 and costs[-1] >= 1 and costs[-2] >= 1): # This only handles positive numbers result = ((costs[-1]/costs[-2])-1)*100.0 else: result = 0 return result def find_by_key(values: list, key: str, value: str): for item in values: if item.get(key) == value: return item return None def lambda_handler(event, context): group_by = os.environ.get("GROUP_BY", "SERVICE") length = int(os.environ.get("LENGTH", "5")) cost_aggregation = os.environ.get("COST_AGGREGATION", "UnblendedCost") summary, buffer, data = report_cost(group_by=group_by, length=length, cost_aggregation=cost_aggregation) slack_hook_url = os.environ.get('SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL') if slack_hook_url: publish_slack(slack_hook_url, summary, buffer) teams_hook_url = os.environ.get('TEAMS_WEBHOOK_URL') if teams_hook_url: publish_teams(teams_hook_url, summary, buffer) def report_cost(group_by: str = "SERVICE", length: int = 5, cost_aggregation: str = "UnblendedCost", result: dict = None, yesterday: str = None, new_method=True): if yesterday is None: yesterday = today - datetime.timedelta(days=1) else: yesterday = datetime.datetime.strptime(yesterday, '%Y-%m-%d') week_ago = today - datetime.timedelta(days=n_days) # Generate list of dates, so that even if our data is sparse, # we have the correct length lists of costs (len is n_days) list_of_dates = [ (week_ago + datetime.timedelta(days=x)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') for x in range(n_days) ] # Get account account name from env, or account id/account alias from boto3 account_name = os.environ.get("AWS_ACCOUNT_NAME", None) if account_name is None: iam = boto3.client("iam") paginator = iam.get_paginator("list_account_aliases") for aliases in paginator.paginate(PaginationConfig={"MaxItems": 1}): if "AccountAliases" in aliases and len(aliases["AccountAliases"]) > 0: account_name = aliases["AccountAliases"][0] if account_name is None: account_name = boto3.client("sts").get_caller_identity().get("Account") if account_name is None: account_name = "[NOT FOUND]" client = boto3.client('ce') query = { "TimePeriod": { "Start": week_ago.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), "End": today.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), }, "Granularity": "DAILY", "Filter": { "Not": { "Dimensions": { "Key": "RECORD_TYPE", "Values": [ "Credit", "Refund", "Upfront", "Support", ] } } }, "Metrics": [cost_aggregation], "GroupBy": [ { "Type": "DIMENSION", "Key": group_by, }, ], } # Only run the query when on lambda, not when testing locally with example json if result is None: result = client.get_cost_and_usage(**query) cost_per_day_by_service = defaultdict(list) if new_method == False: # Build a map of service -> array of daily costs for the time frame for day in result['ResultsByTime']: for group in day['Groups']: key = group['Keys'][0] cost = float(group['Metrics'][cost_aggregation]['Amount']) cost_per_day_by_service[key].append(cost) else: # New method, which first creates a dict of dicts # then loop over the services and loop over the list_of_dates # and this means even for sparse data we get a full list of costs cost_per_day_dict = defaultdict(dict) for day in result['ResultsByTime']: start_date = day["TimePeriod"]["Start"] for group in day['Groups']: key = group['Keys'][0] if group_by == "LINKED_ACCOUNT": dimension = find_by_key(result["DimensionValueAttributes"], "Value", key) if dimension: key += " ("+dimension["Attributes"]["description"]+")" cost = float(group['Metrics'][cost_aggregation]['Amount']) cost_per_day_dict[key][start_date] = cost for key in cost_per_day_dict.keys(): for start_date in list_of_dates: cost = cost_per_day_dict[key].get(start_date, 0.0) # fallback for sparse data cost_per_day_by_service[key].append(cost) # Sort the map by yesterday's cost most_expensive_yesterday = sorted(cost_per_day_by_service.items(), key=lambda i: i[1][-1], reverse=True) service_names = [k for k,_ in most_expensive_yesterday[:length]] longest_name_len = len(max(service_names, key = len)) buffer = f"{'Service':{longest_name_len}} ${'Yday':8} {'∆%':>5} {'Last '}{n_days}{'d':7}\n" for service_name, costs in most_expensive_yesterday[:length]: buffer += f"{service_name:{longest_name_len}} ${costs[-1]:8,.2f} {delta(costs):4.0f}% {sparkline(costs):7}\n" other_costs = [0.0] * n_days for service_name, costs in most_expensive_yesterday[length:]: for i, cost in enumerate(costs): other_costs[i] += cost buffer += f"{'Other':{longest_name_len}} ${other_costs[-1]:8,.2f} {delta(other_costs):4.0f}% {sparkline(other_costs):7}\n" total_costs = [0.0] * n_days for day_number in range(n_days): for service_name, costs in most_expensive_yesterday: try: total_costs[day_number] += costs[day_number] except IndexError: total_costs[day_number] += 0.0 buffer += f"{'Total':{longest_name_len}} ${total_costs[-1]:8,.2f} {delta(total_costs):4.0f}% {sparkline(total_costs):7}\n" cost_per_day_by_service["total"] = total_costs[-1] credits_expire_date = os.environ.get('CREDITS_EXPIRE_DATE') if credits_expire_date: credits_expire_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(credits_expire_date, "%m/%d/%Y") credits_remaining_as_of = os.environ.get('CREDITS_REMAINING_AS_OF') credits_remaining_as_of = datetime.datetime.strptime(credits_remaining_as_of, "%m/%d/%Y") credits_remaining = float(os.environ.get('CREDITS_REMAINING')) days_left_on_credits = (credits_expire_date - credits_remaining_as_of).days allowed_credits_per_day = credits_remaining / days_left_on_credits relative_to_budget = (total_costs[-1] / allowed_credits_per_day) * 100.0 if relative_to_budget < 60: emoji = ":white_check_mark:" elif relative_to_budget > 110: emoji = ":rotating_light:" else: emoji = ":warning:" summary = (f"{emoji} Yesterday's cost for {account_name} ${total_costs[-1]:,.2f} " f"is {relative_to_budget:.2f}% of credit budget " f"${allowed_credits_per_day:,.2f} for the day." ) else: summary = f"Yesterday's cost for account {account_name} was ${total_costs[-1]:,.2f}" return summary, buffer, cost_per_day_by_service def publish_slack(hook_url, summary, buffer): resp = hook_url, json={ "text": summary + "\n\n```\n" + buffer + "\n```", } ) if resp.status_code != 200: print("HTTP %s: %s" % (resp.status_code, resp.text)) def publish_teams(hook_url, summary, buffer): resp = hook_url, json={ "text": summary + "\n\n```\n" + buffer + "\n```", } ) if resp.status_code != 200: print("HTTP %s: %s" % (resp.status_code, resp.text)) if __name__ == "__main__": # for running locally to test import json with open("example_boto3_result.json", "r") as f: example_result = json.load(f) with open("example_boto3_result2.json", "r") as f: example_result2 = json.load(f) # summary, buffer, data = report_cost(group_by="LINKED_ACCOUNT") # print(summary) # print(buffer) # # summary, buffer, data = report_cost(group_by="REGION") # print(summary) # print(buffer) # # summary, buffer, data = report_cost(group_by="USAGE_TYPE", length=20) # print(summary) # print(buffer) # # summary, buffer, data = report_cost(group_by="SERVICE", length=20) # print(summary) # print(buffer) # summary, buffer, data = report_cost(group_by="SERVICE", length=5, cost_aggregation="UnblendedCost") # print(summary) # print(buffer) # summary, buffer, data = report_cost(group_by="SERVICE", length=5, cost_aggregation="AmortizedCost") # print(summary) # print(buffer) # New Method with 2 example jsons summary, buffer, cost_dict = report_cost(None, None, "UnblendedCost", example_result, yesterday="2021-08-23", new_method=True) assert "{0:.2f}".format(cost_dict.get("total", 0.0)) == "286.37", f'{cost_dict.get("total"):,.2f} != 286.37' summary, buffer, cost_dict = report_cost(None, None, "UnblendedCost", example_result2, yesterday="2021-08-29", new_method=True) assert "{0:.2f}".format(cost_dict.get("total", 0.0)) == "21.45", f'{cost_dict.get("total"):,.2f} != 21.45' # Old Method with same jsons (will fail) summary, buffer, cost_dict = report_cost(None, None, "UnblendedCost", example_result, yesterday="2021-08-23", new_method=False) assert "{0:.2f}".format(cost_dict.get("total", 0.0)) == "286.37", f'{cost_dict.get("total"):,.2f} != 286.37' summary, buffer, cost_dict = report_cost(None, None, "UnblendedCost", example_result2, yesterday="2021-08-29", new_method=False) assert "{0:.2f}".format(cost_dict.get("total", 0.0)) == "21.45", f'{cost_dict.get("total"):,.2f} != 21.45'