I'm Brian, a software developer and educator living in Boston, Massachusetts.
- Spanning Tree, an educational video series on topics in computer science and mathematics
- Presenter.js, a presentation tool for programmatically building animated visual slides
- Streamline, a text-expanding automation app for macOS
- Classroometrics, a live feedback tool for students and teachers
- Tenacity, a game focused on principles of computer science
- Jeopardy Player, an online interface for building custom trivia games
At Harvard University, I created and taught the following courses:
- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python
- Web Programming with Python and JavaScript
- Introduction to Programming with Scratch
I've also been the preceptor for Harvard's CS50: Introduction to Computer Science and for Harvard's CS51: Abstraction and Design in Computation.
You can reach me at brian@brianyu.me.