Test plan
- Did you search for similar issues before submitting this one?
- Describe the issue you encountered:
Brave's UA whitelist only applies to top level page loads and not sub resources. I believe it's this line in the code:
- Platform (Win7, 8, 10? macOS? Linux distro?):
macOS 10.12.16 x64 - Reproduced
Win 10 x64 - Reproduced
- Brave Version (revision SHA):
Brave: 0.18.26
rev: 67f2568
Muon: 4.3.15
libchromiumcontent: 60.0.3112.101
- Steps to reproduce:
- load within Brave
- open the developer tools via "option + command + I"
- select the "Network" tab and reload via "command + r"
- select on the first resource and you'll notice the correct
Brave Chrome/60.0.3112.101
UA - select another resource that's underneath the first one and is from
You'll notice that the incorrect UA is being used.
- Actual result:
Only the first resource (top level) is correctly using the UA.
- Expected result:
The correct UA should be applied to every resource that's from the whitelist domain.
- Will the steps above reproduce in a fresh profile? If not what other info can be added?
- Is this an issue in the currently released version?
#10614 was supposed to fix this issue, however it only partially fixed the problem.
- Can this issue be consistently reproduced?
- Screenshot if needed:
Correct Example:
Incorrect Example:
- Any related issues: