Mustafa Çağrı Güven
👾 Senior Frontend Wizard 🎩 Vue.js 3 ☄ Nuxt.js 3 🌟 Next.js 14 🌠 React.js 18 💻 TypeScript 🦄 Node.js ☃ Express.js 🌸 Pinia 🔥 Typescript 🎨 Tailwind
İstanbul / ✈️ 🌎
Senior Vue.js Developer
Senior Vue.js Developer with a passion for crafting exceptional web applications. With expertise in 🌟 Vue.js, 🚀 Nuxt.js, and ⚙️ Node.js 💻🚀 @mustafacagri
Vue Companies Istanbul
Daniel Dabiri - Devdanny
Software Engineer with proven experience 👌
IB Fire & Ice Applications LLC Accra, Ghana
Alp ₿📈🚀🌕
🗽 Be greedy when others are fearful and be fearful when others are greedy ☕️ Full-Stack 🖥💻📱⌚️ Finance, Crypto ⛓ (Blockchain, Smart contracts etc.)
IDEX/USD @IDEXio Zurich, Switzerland
Ethan Flower-01100101 01110100 01101000 01100001 01101110
Dev-Sec-Ops- Engineer
san francisco
Kevin Granger
I design tools for developers @algolia and attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion
UX Devsigner @Algolia Paris – SF