The Bookshelf plugin that translates bookshelf events to a central hub. By default that hub is a bookshelf instance itself. That's useful if you want to subscribe to an event but don't want to modify model or collection initializer.
Signals = require 'bookshelf-signals'
db = bookshelf(knex)
db.plugin Signals()
class User extend db.Model
tabeName: 'users'
db.on 'saved', User, ->
console.log 'user was saved!'
db.plugin Signals(hub)
Argument passed to plugin is a hub to that all bookshelf events will be translated. It should at least implement methods trigger
and triggerThen
. If undefined then events will be translated to bookshelf instance and required methods will be added to it.
Default hub implementation has a behaviour different from EventEmitter. Its methods on, addListener, once, off, removeListener, removeAllListeners accepts class or model/collection name as a second parameter and performs events filtration according to it.
on(String event, [(Class|String) cls], Function handler)
Subscribe to event with optional filtration by source class.
addListener - alias for
removeListener(String event, [(Class|String) cls], Function handler)
Unsubscribe from event. If class/name was used for subscription you have to use the same class/name to unsubscribe.
off - alias for
once(String event, [(Class|String) cls], handler)
Subscribe to first event of that type and source class, if filtered.
removeAllListeners([String event], [(Class|String) cls])
Unsubscribe all listeners for that event and source class.