Stalk your friends! Creep people out! Find email addresses and phone numbers! Learn to play Beethoven in Five Hours!
Shamelessy stolen and poorly ported from mutantmonkey, who wrote it in python. Only reason for the port: Python has version issues right now, including but not limited to a current lack of LDAP modules in version 3 (the version most convenient for me atm).
Released under the new BSD license.
- Ruby
- net-ldap package, installable with
gem install net-ldap
git clone git://
chmod +x hokiestalker/hs.rb
ln -s hokiestalker/hs.rb <a directory in your $PATH>/hs
- VT PID Search:
hs benwr
- VT Email Search:
- Name Search (Careful; some searches with frequent hits will take a long time):
hs Ben Weinstein
To override the PID search (for example, if you're looking for someone whose
name is jones, but someone else has the PID 'jones'), use the -n
flag: hs -n jones